being in harmony is the true way

arthur morris


You disciples and apostles,

you all do the same work, yet you try

to determine who’s above and who’s below.

Each of you thinks you’re special, and in that

vanity you irritate each other mightily.

You think there will not be enough,

so you fight for your portion

like dogs in the street.


Being in harmony

is the true way, not this itch

of greed, this constricted stall where

you and other donkeys get beaten with a stick.

Move instead to the praise-place, inside the

mystery, where prayer is unlimited,

and you feel the delight of

giving homage.


Bahauddin, father of Rumi

the drowned book

the guardian spirit lodged within

rannveig aamodt


If you find anything

better in human life than justice,

honesty, moderation and courage — if,

to put it generally, you find anything better

than the self-sufficiency of your mind on those

occasions that your actions are compatible with

right reason, as well as when something is allotted

to you by fate without your having chosen it —

if, I say, you’re aware of anything better

than this, turn to it with all your heart

and enjoy the supreme good

you’ve discovered.


But if you find

nothing better than the

guardian spirit lodged within you,

which has brought all your particular

impulses under its control, which scrutinizes

your thoughts, which, as Socrates used to say, has

withdrawn itself from sensations, which has put itself

in the gods’ hands, and which cared providentially for

other people — if everything else turns out to be

trivial and worthless by comparison,

then make room for

nothing else.


Marcus Aurelius

the annotated marcus


the universe is a harmonious oneness

embrace the oneness



about understanding and 

harmonizing and making all things one. 

The universe is already a harmonious 

oneness; just realize



If you 

scramble about in

search of inner peace, 

you will lose your 

inner peace.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 56

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the proper basis for relationships

ryan and alex


In fellowship with others,
embody the principles of the Sage.

This hexagram addresses the proper basis for relationships with others. It generally comes as a sign that some kind of self-correction is in order in this arena.

Proper relationships, whether in love, work, family, or friendship, must be founded on and conducted under proper principles in order to succeed. Our model for how to behave with others is the Sage: in relating we are obliged to practice kindness, humility, correctness, equanimity, and openness. Wherever we depart from these we lose the aid of the Higher Power and risk and encounter with misfortune.

The fundamental rule of the I Ching for the conduct of relationships is that they take place in the open. This means that every facet of a relationship should be seen as fair and correct by everyone concerned, not just yourself. It also means that it is improper to enter into or continue in relationships with unspoken reservations or hidden intentions.

Exceptional things can be accomplished by those who come together correctly in fellowship now under the guidance of an enlightened leader or leaders. Seek that role by patterning yourself after the Sage. Meet others halfway in a spirit of sincerity and receptivity. Give trust where it is due; where it is not, do not resort to harshness – reserve and reticence are adequate measures. Avoid the formation of factions and cliques, and correct your errors in relationships as soon as you become aware of them.  In this way you can accomplish magnificent deeds now.

The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 13, T’ung Jen / Fellowship with Others

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