nurturing simplicity in oneself

michael maloney


Simplicity is something

that our fundamental nature inherently

possesses. If we prepare in advance and nurture it

within ourselves, then wherever we happen to be, whether in

wealth and high rank, or poverty and low status, in foreign lands,

or in difficult circumstances, we deal with whatever situation we

are in by retaining our simplicity there. It is not increased

when we do great deeds or reduced when we are

dwelling in obscurity. Wherever we go,

we are at peace, because we have

found simplicity.


Nie Bao 


we might as well stop struggling

the subtle universe appears



the twelfth-century Tibetan

yogi who sang wonderful songs about

the proper way to meditate, said that the mind

has more projections than there are dust motes in a

sunbeam and that even hundreds of spears couldn’t put

an end to that. As meditators we might as well stop struggling

against our thoughts and realize that honesty and humor

are far more inspiring and helpful than any

kind of solemn religious striving

for or against



Pema Chodron