if you can penetrate “i don’t know”


Emperor Wu

of Liang asked Bodhidharma,

“I have built temples and had monks

ordained without number: what merit is there

in this?” Bodhidharma said, “There is no merit.”

The emperor said, “Why no merit?” Bodhidharma

said, “These are just the lesser fruits of gods

and men, causes of defilement: like

shadows following shapes,

though they’re there,

they’re not



The Emperor

said, “What is true merit?”

Bodhidharma answered, “The subtle

perfection of pure wisdom, its essence naturally

empty and still. Such merit is not to be sought with worldly

means.” Only then did the Emperor ask, “What is the

highest meaning of the holy truths?” Bodhidharma

answered, “Empty, without holiness.”

The Emperor said, “Who is facing

me?” Bodhidharma replied,

“I don’t know.”


The Emperor

did not understand, so

Bodhidharma crossed the river

into Wei. If you want to see real merit

right now, don’t look for it anywhere else,

just comprehend it in “I don’t know”.

If you can penetrate those three

words, the task of your whole

life’s study will be





this mysterious place of not-knowing

rip lion


Between their births

and their deaths, three out of ten

are attached to life, three out of ten are

attached to death, three out of ten are just

idly passing through. Only one knows

how to die and stay dead and

still go on living.


That one

hasn’t any ambitions,

hasn’t any ideas, makes no plans.

From this mysterious place of not-knowing

and non-doing he gives birth to whatever is needed

in the moment. Because he is constantly filling his being

with nonbeing, he can travel the wilds without

worrying about tigers or wild buffalo,

or he can cross a battlefield

without armor or



No tiger can claw him.

No buffalo can gore him.

No weapon can pierce him.


Why is this so?

Because he has died, there

isn’t any more room for

death in him.


from The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 50


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what is called for now

the path is perfect


There are

great pressures at work.

By meeting them with modesty and

patience, you avoid misfortune

and meet with success.


The image of this hexagram is that of a beam under a great load: it sags in the middle and is in danger of giving way. You are in a similar situation now. The pressures of the moment are enormous, and there is a temptation to wriggle away and flee, or to resort to the plotting, conniving, and aggressive actions of the ego. It is by resisting this temptation and holding firmly to proper principles that you survive and succeed.

This is in fact a moment for which you have been preparing yourself for some time. A powerful energy has been accumulated—imagine a flood pressing against a dam—and it is up to you to direct its flow. If you succumb to fear, desire, or anger and resort to incorrect behaviors, the dam bursts and the pent-up energy causes destruction and misfortune. If, on the other hand, you cling to what is correct—modesty, balance, patience, independence, and gentleness—then you will obtain the aid of the Higher Power and the accumulated energy will be directed toward creating a profound success.

What is called for now is quiet integrity. With others, no matter how they may assault you, remain modest and patient. In your actions, seek to penetrate gently and steadily rather than forcibly and explosively. Meet the difficulties of the day cheerfully and resolutely. By taking great care now, by remaining correct in every moment, by embodying the principles of the Sage, you make possible the arrival of good fortune.

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 28 / Ta Kuo (Preponderance of the Great)


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Hua hu Ching, Wei wu Wei Ching,

Art of War for iPad, Phone,

Kindle, Nook, or



Further guidance from the
Wei Wu Wei Ching


In every moment,

your enlightenment is directly

in front of you, being handed to you.

All that’s necessary to receive it

is to empty your hands

and relax your



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 28


You can now

buy the I Ching and

Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


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