the benefit of engagement in politics

only love can do that


Forget the self and you’ll help others.

Deshan Xuanjian


The spiritual benefit of engagement in politics comes from going into rather than away from the imperfection. And if you are diving right into the heart of delusion, naturally this means into the heart of your own delusion. There’s always a chance that such a plunge might increase self-knowledge more than it increases self-righteousness.

The point here is that you have to forget all that spiritual stuff about what a good person you are or intend to be someday, something that is anyway unlikely to be attained. The spirituality in politics might not be visible to others or even to yourself. Down there in the heart of delusion you look like a demon too, just like the rest of us. You’ll have to adapt your fashion sense to having horns and fangs.

This is the force of Bismarck’s famous comment about the art of the possible: in order to bring about any sort of transformation you have to work with what is actually the case, rather than what you might have wished for or pretended — in the world, in others, in yourself.

When I accepted how the world is, I noticed that empathy is part of how it is. It’s not easy to explain; it doesn’t have a reason. Empathy seems to be a basis for spiritual work — for the bodhisattva way. Empathy also doesn’t seem to be entirely personal. We didn’t work for change because we liked each other or the people who might benefit; there was empathy even when people were behaving in ways that I might find painful.


John Tarrant

bring me the rhinoceros


yield and you can stay centered

she keeps her heart clear


Allow yourself to yield,

and you can stay centered.

Allow yourself to bend, and you will

stay straight. Allow yourself to be empty, and

you’ll get filled up. Allow yourself to be exhausted,

and you’ll be renewed. Having little, you can receive

much. Having much, you’ll just become confused.

Therefore the sage embraces the oneness and

becomes a pattern for the

whole world.


She doesn’t display herself, so she becomes illuminated.

She doesn’t justify herself, so she becomes distinguished.

She doesn’t boast, so she is recognized.

She doesn’t claim credit, so she advances and endures.

She doesn’t contend, so no one can contend with her.


“Yield and you

can stay centered” —

Is this saying meaningless?

Stay whole, and all things

return to you.


The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 22


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quietly accept the unknown

wild ice


Do not attempt

to force a good feeling into place.

Patiently let go of doubt, fear, anger, and distrust.

The Sage aids those who quietly accept

the Unknown.


third changing line

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 52, Ken / Mountain


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Hua hu Ching, Wei wu Wei Ching,

Art of War for iPad, Phone,

Kindle, Nook, or




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