you are your own teacher

elena kalis


Every instance 

of recognizing a teacher 

is an authorization of spiritual power. 

The most important one of these, and the only 

absolutely necessary one on the way to 

complete realization, is recognizing 

yourself as your own 



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 44

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he helps all beings become themselves

what would papa do


What has equilibrium

is easy to maintain. What hasn’t

begun is easy to plan. What is fragile

is easy to shatter. What is small

is easy to scatter.


Deal with things

before they arise. Cultivate

order before confusion

sets in.


The tallest tree

springs from a tiny shoot.

The tallest tower is built from a pile of

dirt. A journey of a thousand miles

begins at your feet.


Interfere with things,

and you’ll be defeated by them.

Hold on to things, and you’ll lose them.

The sage doesn’t interfere, so he

doesn’t fail; doesn’t hold on,

so he doesn’t lose.


Because projects

often come to ruin just before

completion, he takes as much care at

the end as he did at the beginning,

and thereby succeeds.


His only desire

is to be free of desire.

Fancying nothing, learning not

to know, electing not to interfere,

he helps all beings become



The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 64


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Wei wu Wei Ching, Hua hu Ching, and

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Tao te Ching as part of a

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the universe is a harmonious oneness

embrace the oneness



about understanding and 

harmonizing and making all things one. 

The universe is already a harmonious 

oneness; just realize



If you 

scramble about in

search of inner peace, 

you will lose your 

inner peace.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 56

Paperback / Kindle here




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Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

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the arrival of a time of revolution

beautiful trouble: a toolbox


Devotion to truth

enables a revolution.


The hexagram Ko announces the arrival of a time of revolution. A set of conditions, internal or external or both, is ready to pass away in favor of a more beneficial situation. What enables this transformation is your conscious and vigorous adherence to correct thought and behavior.

No revolution in outer things is possible without a prior revolution in one’s inner way of being. Whatever change you aspire to in your affairs must be preceded by a change in heart, and active deepening and strengthening of your resolve to meet every event with equanimity, detachment, and innocent goodwill. When this spiritual poise is achieved within, magnificent things are possible without.

The revolutions of others are enabled also when we refine the fire of goodness and truth inside ourselves. Sincere commitment to higher things travels outward in powerful waves from the superior person, and all those around are affected by this. Indisputably, to lead one’s inner self to truth and peace is to lead the outer world to truth and peace. A beneficial revolution is assured to one who takes this path now.


from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 49, Ko / Revolution


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Hua hu Ching, Wei wu Wei Ching,

Art of War for iPad, Phone,

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