pass freely into complete realization

aarto saari


No teacher

or master is in possession of

your enlightenment. Ultimately only

you can free yourself. Just shed your delusions

like a sweaty shirt and slip into the stream of

zen and tao, empty minded, quiet hearted,

at rest in the midst of everything

and at peace with all

that occurs.


Polish yourself

on your own over and over

until you disappear, and you’ll wake up

right where you are. You’ll see straight

through the snares of the world and

pass freely into complete



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 27

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in a great storm the wise bird

julie mcinnes


In a great

storm the wise bird

returns to her nest and

waits patiently.


This is a time of difficult and dangerous conditions. You should not be seduced into struggling, striving, or seeking solutions through aggressive action. Success is met only by waiting modestly for the guidance of the Creative.Trying times are a test of our integrity and commitment to proper principles.
The ordinary person reacts to challenges with fear, anger, mistrust of fate, and a stubborn desire to strike out and eliminate difficulty once and for all. While the temptation to act in this way can be great, to do so can only lead to misfortune and the loss of hard-won ground.

The way of the superior person faced with difficulty is that of nonaction rather than action. She does not strive after recognition or resolution or attempt to gain a higher position by conquering others. Instead, she retreats into her center and cultivates humility, patience, and conscientiousness. On the path of acceptance, self-inquiry, and self-improvement we obtain the aid of the Creative and meet with success after the storm has passed.

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 62, Hsiao Kuo /Preponderance of the Small


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accept everything that is

fabien barrau



comes only when you accept

everything that is — without resistance,

without quarrel, in complete stillness. This is

the only, the simplest, the necessary

ground of being for complete



The opportunity

to dwell in quiet acceptance

exists in every moment — sitting, bathing,

cleaning, cooking, working, wherever.

When that moment passes,

it is present in the next.

Just embrace



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 2

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attention to what is correct

marc henauer


Your inner power

makes influence possible.

There is danger in ambition and

agenda-making. The truly beneficial

influence is that which flows

naturally from your

attention to what

is correct.


third changing line

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 10, Lü / Treading


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the foundation of attaining the way

beth moon

Stabilization is the final stage of escape from the profane, the foundation of attaining the Way, the accomplishment of cultivated stillness, the consummation of maintaining calm.

When the body is like a withered tree, the mind like dead ashes, without reactivity, without seeking anything, this is the epitome of tranquility. There is no mindfulness of stabilization, yet there is stability. Thus it is called tranquil stabilization.

Chuang-tzu said, “One whose capacity is tranquilly stabilized radiates natural light.” Capacity refers to the mind, natural light is active insight. The mind is a capacitor of the Way; when it is as uncluttered and quiet as can be, then the Way stays there and insight emerges.

Insight comes from original nature; one does not just come to have it now. That is why it is called natural light. It is just because of the muddling confusion caused by craving that it comes to be obscure. Clean it, make it flexible, rectify it, and restore it to purity and calm, and the original real conscious spirit will gradually become clear of itself; this does not mean that you are just now producing that insight.

Once insight has emerged, treasure it and do not compromise stability by too many concerns.

Treatise on Sitting Forgetting