wind up unburdened, as you were before

josef kote


The essence of awareness,

complete and clear, is a formless body.

Don’t mistake far and near based on intellectual opinion.

When thoughts differ, you’re blind to the substance

of the mysteries. When mind diverges,

you’re not neighbor to

the Way.


When subjectively

discriminating myriad things,

you get submerged in the objects before you.

When conscious awareness is fragmented,

you lose the basic reality.


If you understand

such expressions with complete

clarity, you’ll wind up unburdened,

as you were before.




marry mind to breath and look within

joni niemala




of the Oneness is

contained within you.

Don’t believe it?

Go look.



senses can’t perceive it.

Thought fails to apprehend it.

Approach by sacrificing all knowing

and doing, though, and it 

envelops you.



mind to breath and

look within until all false

concepts and imaginings

come to an end. This

is the center of

the Way.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 63

Paperback / Kindle here




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