there isn’t any need to seek outside

buddha meditation

just attain the way



isn’t any need 

to seek outside yourself. 

Look inside, allow ideas and 

methods and ways of perceiving to

dissolve, and you will see that 

your original face and that 

of all the buddhas are 

one and the 



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 49 / Revolution

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Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

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the cost of one hardcover



the locusts who descend and eat crops

“now we terminate those who oversee the nuclear weapons, my lord”


I have said to the

crude-minded Fakhruddin Razi

and the dull King Khwarazmshah and

several other joyless philosophers, With your way

you leave behind the beauty of flowers and peacefulness

and walk steadily into darkness. You ignore the obvious miracles

in favor of smoke and ghosts. The false self of ego makes your

decisions. You feel confused and blocked, but wisdom

knows that this material world is a door to spirit.

Specific actions are required, and careful

attention must be given

to friendship.


We live in a place where

thorns and poisonous plants grow wild,

but fruit trees, roses, and vegetables need tending.

The diligent farming work is virtue. Fakhruddin and Khwarazmshah

disagree. They’re like the locusts who descend and eat crops rather than help

them grow. I wrap myself like Muhammad in this robe of torso, limbs,

and face, this splendid covering of phenomenal existence,

where I grow toward some destiny I know not,

only that I must live fully here

to reach the next.


Bahauddin, father of Rumi

the drowned book


daniel chatard


do not waste even a moment of time

danielle sassoon’s american bravery


The days and months go by

like lightning: we should value the time.

We pass from life to death in the time it takes to breathe

in and breathe out: it’s hard to guarantee even a

morning and an evening.


Whether walking, standing,

sitting, or lying down, do not waste even

a moment of time. Become ever

braver and bolder.


Be like our

original teacher Shakyamuni,

who kept on progressing



T’aego Pou