the foundation of attaining the way

beth moon

Stabilization is the final stage of escape from the profane, the foundation of attaining the Way, the accomplishment of cultivated stillness, the consummation of maintaining calm.

When the body is like a withered tree, the mind like dead ashes, without reactivity, without seeking anything, this is the epitome of tranquility. There is no mindfulness of stabilization, yet there is stability. Thus it is called tranquil stabilization.

Chuang-tzu said, “One whose capacity is tranquilly stabilized radiates natural light.” Capacity refers to the mind, natural light is active insight. The mind is a capacitor of the Way; when it is as uncluttered and quiet as can be, then the Way stays there and insight emerges.

Insight comes from original nature; one does not just come to have it now. That is why it is called natural light. It is just because of the muddling confusion caused by craving that it comes to be obscure. Clean it, make it flexible, rectify it, and restore it to purity and calm, and the original real conscious spirit will gradually become clear of itself; this does not mean that you are just now producing that insight.

Once insight has emerged, treasure it and do not compromise stability by too many concerns.

Treatise on Sitting Forgetting


lessen the power of the ego

amel bashir taha


It is

a fact of life that

times of decrease come upon us:

our resources are limited, difficulty surrounds us,

and our egos generate angry and unhappy emotions. Nonetheless,

such times are good for us. If we respond to them by quieting

our egos and turning sincerely to the Higher Power

for help, we emerge from the period of

decrease stronger, healthier,

and wiser.



we discover that we

are unable to achieve our goals,

our egos become infuriated. We are tempted

to harden into anger and bitterness, to lash out, to

desperately and aggressively grab for control

over the situation. If we do this,

however, we only push our

own salvation further



The I Ching

counsels a withdrawal

into stillness now. The image is that

of a spring reverting to the inside of the mountain

during a time of drought. By returning to its quiet center

during the time of decrease, it avoids evaporating and exhausting

itself in vain. You would be wise to follow this example. To try

to force progress by arguing, manipulating, or making

excuses will only bring your own downfall. Instead,

disengage from your inferior elements —

however passionately they seek

expression – and turn to the

Sage for guidance and




hexagram Sun

issues a call to sacrifice

negative feelings, accept the

powerlessness of the ego against the

currents of life, and return to contemplation

of the principles of the Sage. In stillness and

meditation we enrich the higher parts

of ourselves and thus bring

an end to the time of



from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 41, Sun / Decrease


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the way to enlightenment

gregory colbert


The way

to enlightenment

is through emptiness.


Quiet the senses,

forget the body, abandon

concepts and control and contention.

Transform the mind into a pile of cool

ashes, and then do non-doing until

stillness permeates inside

and out.


In this

way you can be

illuminated by the clarity

and silence of the



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 1

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marry mind to breath and look within

joni niemala




of the Oneness is

contained within you.

Don’t believe it?

Go look.



senses can’t perceive it.

Thought fails to apprehend it.

Approach by sacrificing all knowing

and doing, though, and it 

envelops you.



mind to breath and

look within until all false

concepts and imaginings

come to an end. This

is the center of

the Way.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 63

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make an offering of stillness

wei wu wei


Still your emotions through


Receiving this hexagram is a sign that you need to quiet your emotions so that you can think clearly. To answer the clamorings of the ego with action now is to invite misfortune. The I Ching counsels non action and the stilling of the emotions through meditation.

It is the nature of having a body to have strong feelings and impulses. However, if we allow our thinking to be controlled by them, we cannot act with the gentleness, neutrality, and graceful wisdom of the Sage. Instead, we move rashly when we ought to keep still, or we solidify when we ought to remain fluid. Therefore it is necessary to quiet the body and its inferior elements so that our thoughts and actions may be clear and balanced.

Three things are advised. First, sit quietly in a self-supporting position with your back straight and eyes closed. Second, observe the flow of your bodily emotions. Do not judge or resist them; the simple practice of watching them come, linger, and go without acting on them allows you to gradually separate them from your thought processes. Third, turn your inner conflicts over to the Deity for resolution.

The help of the Higher Power is only made available to those who ask for it in a disciplined way, who make an offering of their stillness and mindfulness. Through meditation we reduce the influence of the inferior elements and make it possible for the Sage to assist us. Keep still as a mountain now and you will be rewarded with good fortune.

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 52, Ken / Mountain


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