the highest good is like water

kadir nelson


The highest

good is like water,

which benefits all things and

contends with none. It flows in low

places that others disdain, and

thus it is close to

the tao.


In living,

choose your ground well.

In thought, stay deep in the heart.

In relationships, be generous.

In speaking, hold to the truth.

In leadership, be organized.

In work, do your best.

In action, be



If you compete with no one,

no one can compete with you.

The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 8


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possession in great measure

amel bashir taha


In the early days

your peace of mind will be challenged.

By maintaining humility, detachment, and alertness

to the approach of evil, you ensure that your

greatest possession endures.


first changing line

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 14, Ta Yu / Possession in Great Measure


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Wei wu Wei Ching, Hua hu Ching, and

Art of War for iPad/Phone, Kindle,

Nook, or Android



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the I Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


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quietly accept the unknown

wild ice


Do not attempt

to force a good feeling into place.

Patiently let go of doubt, fear, anger, and distrust.

The Sage aids those who quietly accept

the Unknown.


third changing line

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 52, Ken / Mountain


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Hua hu Ching, Wei wu Wei Ching,

Art of War for iPad, Phone,

Kindle, Nook, or




can now buy

the I Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


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there are few that find the path

ernst haas



please tell me what

I can do about this world I hold to,

and keep spinning out! I gave up sewn clothes,

and wore a robe, but I noticed one day the cloth was

well woven. So I bought some burlap, but I still throw it

elegantly over my shoulder. I pulled back my sexual longings,

and now I discover that I’m angry a lot. I gave up rage, and

now I notice that I am greedy all day. I worked hard at

dissolving my greed, and now I am proud of myself.

When the mind wants to break its link with

the world it still holds on to one thing.

Kabir says: Listen, my friend,

there are very few that

find the path!

