live simply and virtuously

returning to earth


What good

is it to spend your life 

accumulating material things? 

It isn’t in keeping with the Tao. What

benefit in conforming your behavior to someone’s

conventions? It violates your nature and dissipates 

your energy. Why separate your spiritual life

and your practical life? To an integral

being, there is no such 



Live simply

and virtuously, true to

your nature, drawing no line

between what is spiritual and what is

not. Ignore time. Relinquish ideas and

concepts. Embrace the Oneness. 

This is the Integral



Hua hu Ching, Chapter 50

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Hua hu Ching as part of a

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the cost of one hardcover


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the tao doesn’t avoid the world

true mastery


Do you think

you can clear your mind

by sitting constantly in silent

meditation? This makes

your mind narrow,

not clear.


Integral awareness is

fluid and adaptable, present in all

places and at all times.
 That is

true meditation.

Who can attain

clarity and simplicity by

avoiding the world? The Tao is clear

and simple, and it doesn’t

avoid the world.


Why not simply honor

your parents,
 love your children, 

your brothers and sisters, 
be faithful to your

care for your mate with devotion,

your work cooperatively and joyfully,
 assume responsibility

for problems,
 practice virtue without first demanding

it of others, 
understand the highest truths yet

retain an ordinary manner?

That would be true clarity,

true simplicity, true



Hua hu Ching, Chapter 52


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Hua hu Ching, Wei wu Wei Ching,

Art of War for iPad, Phone,

Kindle, Nook, or




can now buy

Hua hu Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


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detours and distractions



Not all

spiritual paths lead to

the Harmonious Oneness.

Indeed, most are detours and

distractions, nothing



Why not

trust the plainness and

simplicity of the Integral Way?

Living with unconditional sincerity,

eradicating all duality, celebrating the

equality of things, your every

moment will be

in truth.


Hua hu Ching, Chapter 25


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Hua hu Ching, and Art of War for

iPad, Phone, Kindle, Nook,

or Android



can now buy

Hua hu Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


brian browne walker taoist app bundle ios ipad iphone