do non-doing and inherit the universe

giovani cordioli



wait around for

a teacher? Pick up staff

and knock the sense out of

yourself, so you can

enter eternity.


The ancestors

are everywhere around you,

offering the silent light of truth.

Put down what you’re doing with

your mind and pick up that up.

Do non-doing, and you’ll

inherit the whole



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 7

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the greatest teacher

ramana maharshi


The highest truth

cannot be put into words.

Therefore the greatest teacher has

nothing to say. He simply gives

himself in service, and

never worries.

Hua hu Ching, Chapter 23


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no such thing as other

trunk stuff


To the

ordinary being,

others often require tolerance.

To the highly evolved being, there is no

such thing as tolerance, because there is no

such thing as other. She has given up all

ideas of individuality and extended

her goodwill without prejudice

in every direction. 


from Hua hu Ching, Chapter 15


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Hua hu Ching, Wei wu Wei Ching,

Art of War for iPad, Phone,

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the reward of the virtuous

carl moon, navajo weaver


Greed for

enlightenment and

immortality is no different

than greed for material wealth.

It is self-centered and dualistic, and

thus an obstacle to true attainment.

Therefore these states are never

achieved by those who covet

them; rather, they are

the reward of the



If you

wish to become

a divine immortal angel,

then restore the angelic qualities

of your being through virtue

and service.


This is the only

way to gain the attention

of the immortals who teach the

methods of energy enhancement

and integration that enable

one to reach the

divine realm.


These angelic

teachers cannot be sought out;

it is they who seek out the student.

When you succeed in connecting your

energy with the divine realm through

high awareness and the practice of

undiscriminating virtue, the

transmission of the

ultimate subtle

truths will



This is the path that all angels

take to the divine realm.


from Hua hu Ching, Chapter 59


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a treasure hidden inside

this magnificent heart


Do not go

about worshipping

deities and religious institutions

as the source of the subtle truth.

To do so is to place intermediaries

between yourself and the divine,

and to make of yourself a beggar

who looks outside for a treasure

that is hidden inside his

own breast.


If you want to worship the Tao,

first discover it in your own heart.

Then your worship will be meaningful.

Hua hu Ching, Chapter 17


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Wei wu Wei Ching, Hua hu Ching, and

Art of War for iPad/Phone, Kindle,

Nook, or Android



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