beautiful things grow out of shit

“What would be really interesting for people to see is how beautiful things grow out of shit, because nobody ever believes that, you know. Everybody thinks that Beethoven had his string quartets completely in his head, they somehow appeared there and formed in his head, and all he had to do was write them down and they would be kind of manifest to the world.

“But what I think what’s so interesting, and what should be a lesson everybody should learn, is that things come out of nothing. Things evolve out of nothing. You know, the tiniest seed in the right situation turns into the most beautiful forest. And then the most promising seed, in the wrong situation, turns into nothing.

“And I think that this would be important for people to understand because it gives people confidence in their own lives to know that that’s how things work. If you walk around with the idea that there are some people who are so gifted, they have these wonderful things in their head, but you’re not one of them, you’re just sort of a normal person, you could never do anything like that, then you live a different kind of life, you know.

“You could have another kind of life where you can say, where you say, ‘Well, I know that things comes from nothing very much and start from unpromising beginnings, and I’m an unpromising beginning, and I could start something.'”



gathering together to achieve good



To lead others toward

the good, one must purify

one’s own character.

The I Ching teaches that the world cannot move toward harmony and well-being unless human beings act in unison to further what is good and true. Our power as individuals is multiplied when we gather together as families, groups, and communities with common goals. It is our collective strength that makes positive change possible in the world. However, the tremendous power of human collectives must be directed by a qualified leader. The hexagram Ts’ui encourages you to develop your character into that of a leader.

Before a person may gather others together to achieve good, he must first gather together within himself proper principles. A leader who is not balanced and collected within himself will always be suspected by his followers, and in the hour when he needs them most, they will hesitate. Therefore the first task of the potential leader is to accumulate in his own character all that is good and true and correct.

In a very real sense the progress of the world depends upon your thoughts as an individual now. Concentrate, then, on examining and correcting your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Improve yourself into the kind of person you yourself would follow wholeheartedly and without hesitation. Learn to accept the natural progress that occurs when you act in harmony with proper principles, and seek no progress at the expense of those principles. Train yourself to avoid misfortunes by anticipating them in advance.

By purifying your character in this way and clinging steadfastly to higher things, you lead yourself and others toward well-being and good fortune.

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 45 / Ts’ui (Gathering Together)


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your enlightenment is where you stand

possession in great measure




is right where you stand.

Look outside yourself no longer.

Dissolve your false understandings

completely and accept the

reality that mastery

is yours to



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 14

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the sage has no set mind

melt and let go and rest


The sage has no set mind.

She adopts the concerns

of others as her own.


She is good to the good.

She is also good to the bad.

This is real goodness.


She trusts the trustworthy.

She also trusts the untrustworthy.

This is real trust.


The sage takes the minds

of the worldly and spins them around.

People drop their ideas and agendas,

and she guides them like

beloved children.


The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 49


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Hua hu Ching, and Art of War for

iPad, Phone, Kindle, Nook,

or Android





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heaven exists on earth

eric rebiere mebbe


Heaven exists on earth

for those who maintain correct

thoughts and actions.


This hexagram signifies a time similar to spring: there is a strong flow of energy, and harmony and prosperity that is the reward of those who correctly balance their higher and lower natures. It is by remaining aware of our inferior self while insuring that the superior self governs our conduct that we arrive in a state of peace.

See yourself as a young tree now. The ground around you is fertile; sun and water and wind are plentiful. By maintaining your focus on moving upward toward light, clarity, and purity you can reach great heights. If you become entangled in inferior things, you will not enjoy the full benefit of this gracious hour. Stay balanced, innocent, and correct, and good fortune is assured.


The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 11, Tai / Peace

ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Wei wu Wei Ching, Hua hu Ching, and

Art of War for iPad/Phone, Kindle,

Nook, or Android



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I Ching as  part of a 

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


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