the practice of repaying wrongs

enzo massa micron


What is the

practice of repaying wrongs?

When receiving suffering, a practitioner

who cultivates the Path should think to himself:

“During countless ages past I have abandoned the root

and pursued the branches, flowing into the various states

of being, and giving rise to much rancor and hatred—the

transgression, the harm done, has been limitless.

Though I do not transgress now, this suffering

is a disaster left over from former lives —

the results of evil deeds have ripened.

This suffering is not something

given by gods or



You should willingly

endure the suffering without anger

or complaint. The sutra says: “Encountering

suffering, one is not concerned. Why? Because one

is conscious of the basic root.” When this attitude toward

suffering is born, you are in accord with inner truth,

and even as you experience wrongs, you advance

on the Path. Thus it is called “the practice

of  repaying wrongs”.

Records of the Teachers and Students of the Lanka

full text here


the kingship of the dervish

patch-robed monks


Fleeting time

and the changes of matter

make all the kings of the earth but

transitory kings, ruling over transitory kingdoms;

this is because of their dependence upon their environment

instead of their imagination. But the kingship of the dervish,

independent of all external influences, based purely on

his mental perception and strengthened by the forces

of his will, is much truer and at once unlimited

and everlasting. Yet in the materialistic view

his kingdom would appear as nothing,

while in the spiritual conception

it is an immortal and

exquisite realm

of joy.


Hazrat Inayat Khan

this is the pure buddha-land

within purity


There is no dharma

that can be explained, no mind that

can be spoken of: inherent reality-nature is empty.

Going back to the fundamental basis is the Path. The real

identity of the Path is empty and boundless, vast and pure.

With its stillness and solitude, it obliterates the cosmos.

It pervades ancient and modern, but its nature

is pure. It is perfect from top to bottom

and everywhere pure. This is the

pure buddha-land.


The Path

of enlightenment

cannot be charted or measured:

highest of the high, vast beyond limit,

deepest of the deep, profound beyond

fathoming, big enough to contain

heaven and earth, small enough

to enter an infinitesimal

point—thus it is called

the Path.


Records of the Teachers and Students of the Lanka

full text here