awaken to your own mind

tsukioka yoshitoshi


The unenlightened person

does not understand his own true nature,

does not realize the Pure Land in his own body,

and thus petitions all over. The enlightened person

never differs no matter where he is. For this reason

the Buddha says, “Wherever I may be I am always

in comfort and bliss…If only your mind is pure,

your own nature is itself the Pure

Land of the West.”


Platform Sutra


mark gleason


Being in tremendous turmoil,

the unoriented do not know that their own

mind is Buddha. They search about, outside of themselves,

spending the whole day contemplating the Buddha and paying

homage. But where is the Buddha? Do not entertain any

such false views. Awaken to your own mind:

outside the mind there can

be no Buddha.




this world is an open sky and a dustbin


This world

is an open sky and also a dustbin,

giving life to some and death to others;

the outcomes are not controlled

by this world. 



your finger into the world

and put it to your nose.  You may smell

sweetness, or you may smell dung. 

Discernment is possible in

these matters.


True hearts

stay awake if love is possible. The

others have no need for beauty, nor hope of

it.  If you are holding gold in your hand,

don’t imagine ways to turn it

into mud.






Everything passes,

nothing remains. Understand

this, loosen your grip, 

and find serenity.


Lama Surya Das

your heart clear as crystal

connie gifford


The speech of the birds

and the voices of the insects are all

the secret of transmitting mind; the brilliance

of the flowers and colors of the grasses

are all writings on seeing

the Way.


To learn, it is necessary

to have your higher potential clarified

thoroughly and your heart clear as crystal.

Then you will find understanding

of mind whatever you



Huanchu Daoren


create from joy

hamid sardar-afkhami


The most

beautiful paintings and

sculptures, the greatest poetry,

have not always been born from torment

or bitterness. Often they have sprung from

contemplation, from joy, from an instinct or wonder

toward all things. To create from joy, to create from wonder,

demands a continual discipline, a great compassion…With time

and sincerity, you will discover a way to work and write that does

not harm you spiritually, that does not tempt you to vanity,

that is the deepest expression of your spirituality. You

will find a voice that is not your voice only, but the

voice of Reality itself. . . If you can be empty

enough, that voice can speak through you.

If you can be humble enough, that

voice can inhabit you

and use you.


Thuksey Rinpoche


seeing the master in yourself


There is no

difference between your

body and the body of the buddha.

If ignorance exists, seeds

of realization are

sown in it.



yourself in the master and

the master in yourself, you sense reality.

Understanding that all worldly phenomena

and the one reality are interwoven

and inseparable, you begin to

experience peace and



Carrying on,

continuing with concentration,

you illuminate your own buddha nature

from within, and then, seeing that nothing

is apart from it, become free

and peaceful in all

you do.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 8

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