abide in gentleness and be strong

arrive at the center



origin and mother

of everything in the world is tao.

Know the mother and you can know

the children. Having known the children,

return to their source and hold on to her.

Abiding by the mother, you are free

from danger, even when

your body



Don’t live

for your senses.

Close your mouth, close

all the body’s openings, reside

in the original unity. In this

way you can pass your

life in peace and




your mouth,

increase your activities,

start making distinctions between

things, and you’ll toil

forever without



See the subtle and be illuminated.

Abide in gentleness and be strong.

Use your light and return to insight.



expose yourself

to trouble. This is




The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 52


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the mirror of heaven and earth



non-action of the

wise person is not inaction.

It is not studied. It is not shaken by anything.

The sage is quiet because she is not moved, not because she

wills to be quiet. Her quietness is the mirror of heaven and earth,

the glass of everything. Emptiness, stillness, tranquility,

traceless, silence, non-action: this is the level of 

heaven and earth. This is the

perfect Tao.


Chuang Tzu

Chuang Tzu?




the one who fights with sorrow

chris hondros, friend and hero


In conflict

it is better to be receptive

than aggressive, better to retreat

a foot than advance an inch. This is called

moving ahead without advancing, capturing the enemy

without attacking him. There is no greater misfortune

than underestimating your opponent. To

underestimate your opponent is

to forsake your three



When opposing

forces are engaged in

conflict, the one who fights

with sorrow will



Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu

Chapter 69


reach a place of quiet refuge

pham huy trung


Flow like pure water

through difficult situations.


The image of the hexagram K’an is that of water: water falling from the heavens, water coursing over the earth in streams, water collecting itself in pure and silent pools. This image is meant to teach us how to conduct ourselves in trying situations. If we flow through them, staying true to what is pure and innocent in ourselves, we escape danger and reach a place of quiet refuge and good fortune beyond.

K’an often appears to warn of a troubling time either drawing near or already at hand, and to counsel you not to fall into longing for an immediate and effortless solution to the trouble. When you become “emotionally ambitious” – when you cling to comfort and desire to be free of the currents of change in life – you block the Creative from resolving difficulties in your favor. What is necessary now is to accept the situation, to flow with it like water, to remain innocent and pure and sincere while the Higher Power works out a solution.

It is not that you should not act now; it is that you should not act out of frustration, anxiety, despair, or a desire to escape the situation. Instead, still yourself and look for the lesson hidden inside the difficulty. Correct your attitude until it is open, detached, and unstructured. Abandon your goals and stay on the path, where you proceed step by step, arm in arm, with the Sage.

Those whose hearts and minds are kept pure and innocent relate properly to all events, understand their cosmic meaning, and flow through them with the strength, clarity, and brilliance of pure water.


from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 29, K’an / The Abysmal (Water)


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☯️ reality flows ☯️



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the I Ching as part of a

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live for your center, not your senses

greatness lives among us


The five

colors blind the eye.

The five tones deafen the ear.

The five flavors overwhelm

the palate.


Fancy things

get in the way of one’s growth.

Racing here and there, hunting for

this and that—good ways to

madden your mind,

that’s all.


Relinquish what is without.

Cultivate what is within.

Live for your center,

not your senses.


Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu

Chapter 12 


☯️ what wondrous function is ☯️


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Wei wu Wei Ching, Hua hu Ching, and

Art of War for iPad/Phone, Kindle,

Nook, or Android



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Tao te Ching as part of a

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for iPhone or iPad for less than

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