remember you are inside the presence


Whatever state you’re in,

remember you are inside the presence.

Out looking for pleasure, there especially —

I have found no delight better than the mix of touch

with love. That taste is the sweetest. When you are tranced

in that, recall who gave you these pleasurable forms and

inclinations. Even when having a brain seizure,

remember how earthquake energy pries

apart mountains and zigzags a stone

wall. Let that core-energy break

your convulsion.


When you’re afraid

of a certain man in power, of some

authority binding you, in these anxieties,

as well as in prostration prayer,

taste the presence.


Bahauddin, father of Rumi

The Drowned Book

maintaining quiet awareness

mountain bluebird



quiet awareness from

moment to moment, you’ll see

that your enlightenment is not separate

from the ordinary world but one with it.

It doesn’t come from some distance to

get to you and it doesn’t go away

when you stop attending to it.

Make awareness continuous,

though, and it will




Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 5

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