transcend all phenomena



opinion, excitement,

anger — so easy to spark,

so impossible to govern. Prefer

instead to be impartial, unattached,

empty, silent, still. Staying right

at home, you can transcend

all phenomena and enjoy

complete peace.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 41

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contact with good and bad

the most authentic master I ever encountered

Something in prolonged contact with rouge eventually becomes red, something in prolonged contact with soot eventually becomes black. What I realize as I observe this is the tao of habituation to good and bad.
When you live with good people, what you always hear are good words and what you always see are good actions. Hearing and seeing good words and actions over a long period of time plants good seeds in your mind, so that you spontanteously become accustomed to goodness.
When you live with bad people, what you always hear are bad words and what you always see are bad actions. Hearing and seeing bad words and bad actions over a long period of time plants bad seeds in your mind, so that you naturally become accustomed to badness.
Good and bad people are said to be so by nature, but most become so through habit. Therefore wise people choose their associates carefully.

Liu I-Ming

awakening to the tao



your own thoughts and actions


Look not at the

outward situation but at the

effects of your own thoughts and

actions. Through self-contemplation

and self-correction you arrive at a

proper understanding.


third changing line,

The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 20, Kuan / Contemplation


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