love, faithfulness, and correctness

joan radcliffe walker embodied all these

as did her partner in all bud walker


A healthy family,

a healthy country, a healthy

world — all grow outward from

single superior


The hexagram Chia Jen concerns the proper foundation of human communities. The I Ching teaches that all clans must have a superior person at their center if they are to prosper and succeed. Therefore, in order to improve our family, company, nation, or world community, we must begin by improving ourselves.

If you will observe healthy families you will always see present in them three qualities: love, faithfulness, and correctness. When we truly love others, we are naturally kind, gentle, and patient with them. When we are faithful to others, we place proper principles and conduct above temporary influences like anger, desire, or greed. And when we practice correctness, we spiritually nourish ourselves and all those around us. When all three qualities are cultivated, a healthy clan springs naturally into being.

The difference between paying lip service to these ideals and practicing them is profound. If you advocate high ideals and actions to others but do not embody them yourself, your influence will disintegrate for lack of a proper foundation. Therefore, in order to inspire superior qualities in others, you must first instill them in yourself.

Concentrate not upon influencing others or external events but upon strengthening your inner devotion to proper principles. When modesty, acceptance, equanimity, and gentleness become deeply ingrained in your character, they will flow steadily out from from you.

Soon you will find yourself enmeshed in a web of healthy relationships, and in this there is great good fortune.

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 37, Chia Jén / The Family (The Clan)


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return to celestial design

return the mind to quietude

A sage said, “In learning, you increase daily; for the Way, you decrease daily.” This “decrease” means decreasing excess to attain centered balance, decreasing trivialities to return to basics, and reducing human desires to return to celestial design.

There may be a hundred human desires, but it is imperative to master oneself first. Mastering yourself is like overcoming an enemy; first you must know where the enemy is before you can send in your troops.

Self-government should be strict, like a farmer weeding, who must remove weeds by the roots before he can be free of concern that they will grow back.

Self-examination is like arresting a robber — you cannot relax at any time.

Self-government is like executing a rebel — you must cut through with one stroke of the sword. Attacking human desire must be like this before it can be successful.

Self-government is a matter of getting rid of what was originally not in us. We should realize this was originally not there by nature and does not become nonexistent only after being overcome.

Conscious development is a matter of preserving what is originally in us. We should realize it is originally there of necessity and does not come to be there by conscious development.


The Cultivator of Realization

taoist meditation


sing in the dark and try to forgive


In the dark times
Will there also be singing?
Yes, there will be singing.
About the dark times.

Bertolt Brecht


There will be prayer, too,
but to a different god,

and dread will lurk
in the songs we sing.

Doom in the timpani
no matter what the tune,

the tune a variation
on the theme of doom.

We will sing in the dark
and try to forgive

and try not to dwell
on the lives we lived.

The music we play
will be a funeral song,

the poetry we speak,
that ancient tool

we used to believe
was the vital spark,

or if not the spark,
will be the match we strike

again and again
in the darkest dark.


Andrea Hollander


as soon as you want to understand it

they say there is a pure land


Whatever you are doing,

twenty-four hours a day, in all your

various activities, there is something that transcends

the Buddhas and Zen Masters; but as soon

as you want to understand it,

it’s not there.

As soon as you try

to gather your attention on it,

you have already turned away from it.

That is why I say you see but cannot

do anything about it.

instant zen