beautiful things grow out of shit

“What would be really interesting for people to see is how beautiful things grow out of shit, because nobody ever believes that, you know. Everybody thinks that Beethoven had his string quartets completely in his head, they somehow appeared there and formed in his head, and all he had to do was write them down and they would be kind of manifest to the world.

“But what I think what’s so interesting, and what should be a lesson everybody should learn, is that things come out of nothing. Things evolve out of nothing. You know, the tiniest seed in the right situation turns into the most beautiful forest. And then the most promising seed, in the wrong situation, turns into nothing.

“And I think that this would be important for people to understand because it gives people confidence in their own lives to know that that’s how things work. If you walk around with the idea that there are some people who are so gifted, they have these wonderful things in their head, but you’re not one of them, you’re just sort of a normal person, you could never do anything like that, then you live a different kind of life, you know.

“You could have another kind of life where you can say, where you say, ‘Well, I know that things comes from nothing very much and start from unpromising beginnings, and I’m an unpromising beginning, and I could start something.'”



the sage has no set mind

melt and let go and rest


The sage has no set mind.

She adopts the concerns

of others as her own.


She is good to the good.

She is also good to the bad.

This is real goodness.


She trusts the trustworthy.

She also trusts the untrustworthy.

This is real trust.


The sage takes the minds

of the worldly and spins them around.

People drop their ideas and agendas,

and she guides them like

beloved children.


The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 49


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tao doesn’t lord over anything

the highest good is like water


The great Tao

floods and flows in every direction.

Everything in existence depends on it, and it doesn’t deny them.

It accomplishes its work without naming or making claims for itself.

Everything in existence is clothed and nourished by it,

but it doesn’t strain over anything.

Aimless, ambitionless, it might

be called “small.”


Everything in

existence returns to it,

and still it doesn’t lord over anything.

Thus it might also be called



Because it has no desire to

be great, it can achieve 



Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 34


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Hua hu Ching, and Art of War for

iPad, Phone, Kindle, Nook,

or Android



can now buy

Tao te Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


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this very mind is buddha

aigana gali, “meditator”


If you wish

to bring the two matters

of birth and death to conclusion,

and pass directly beyond the triple-world,

you must penetrate the koan “This

very mind is Buddha.”


Tell me:

What is its principle?

How is it that this very mind

is Buddha? And “this very

mind” — just what is

it like?


Investigate it coming. Investigate it going.

Investigate it thoroughly and exhaustively.

All you have to do is keep this koan

constantly in your thoughts.


Daito Kokushi