ada limon: the end of poetry

what you should know to be a poet


Enough of osseous and chickadee and sunflower

and snowshoes, maple and seeds, samara and shoot,

enough chiaroscuro, enough of thus and prophecy

and the stoic farmer and faith and our father and tis

of thee, enough of bosom and bud, skin and god

not forgetting and star bodies and frozen birds,

enough of the will to go on and not go on or how

a certain light does a certain thing, enough

of the kneeling and the rising and the looking

inward and the looking up, enough of the gun,

the drama, and the acquaintance’s suicide, the long-lost

letter on the dresser, enough of the longing and

the ego and the obliteration of ego, enough

of the mother and the child and the father and the child

and enough of the pointing to the world, weary

and desperate, enough of the brutal and the border,

enough of can you see me, can you hear me, enough

I am human, enough I am alone and I am desperate,

enough of the animal saving me, enough of the high

water, enough sorrow, enough of the air and its ease,

I am asking you to touch me.


24th Poet Laureate of the United States


be humble like someone held captive

there is one clear truth


Soul guides and

prophets have an innate innocence,

but they are subject to the same consequences

as everyone. If a donkey veers off course, he will be hit

with a stick. If you do wrong, you will be punished. Abu Bakr

said that steadiness is the central virtue. From the

mind’s steadiness comes a right action

which in turn balances the



They asked me

why prophets were given hardships.

I said it helps to have clear indications. And I added

silently to myself, Be more humble like someone

held captive. Bow to the one who

can free you.


Bahauddin, father of Rumi

the drowned book


not inhibited from acting

brice portolano


Frankly speaking,

you simply must manage

to keep concentrating even in the midst

of clamor and tumult, acting as though there were not

a single thing happening, penetrating all the way through from

the heights to the depths. You must become perfectly complete,

without any shapes or forms at all, without wasting effort,

yet not inhibited from acting. Whether you speak

or stay silent, whether you get up

or lie down, it is never

anyone else.



zen letters