returning to innocence

david pippy


It isn’t difficult to

become one with the Way.

How hard was it to be a baby?

But returning to innocence requires

intention. Drop your dark habits, your

ideas, your emotions, and allow an

opening for virtue and wisdom

to return. Do non-doing, and

goodness will inform

all you do.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 54

i ching hexagram 54 ☯️ the marrying maiden


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lessen the power of the ego

amel bashir taha


It is

a fact of life that

times of decrease come upon us:

our resources are limited, difficulty surrounds us,

and our egos generate angry and unhappy emotions. Nonetheless,

such times are good for us. If we respond to them by quieting

our egos and turning sincerely to the Higher Power

for help, we emerge from the period of

decrease stronger, healthier,

and wiser.



we discover that we

are unable to achieve our goals,

our egos become infuriated. We are tempted

to harden into anger and bitterness, to lash out, to

desperately and aggressively grab for control

over the situation. If we do this,

however, we only push our

own salvation further



The I Ching

counsels a withdrawal

into stillness now. The image is that

of a spring reverting to the inside of the mountain

during a time of drought. By returning to its quiet center

during the time of decrease, it avoids evaporating and exhausting

itself in vain. You would be wise to follow this example. To try

to force progress by arguing, manipulating, or making

excuses will only bring your own downfall. Instead,

disengage from your inferior elements —

however passionately they seek

expression – and turn to the

Sage for guidance and




hexagram Sun

issues a call to sacrifice

negative feelings, accept the

powerlessness of the ego against the

currents of life, and return to contemplation

of the principles of the Sage. In stillness and

meditation we enrich the higher parts

of ourselves and thus bring

an end to the time of



from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 41, Sun / Decrease


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a cool pile of ashes in the corner



The present

moment is the source of

everything. As long as you have

resentments about the past or ideas

about the future, you cannot

genuinely be in the



You owe it

to your future self, and

to the rest of us, to be completely

absorbed here and now. Make all

notions of past and future a

cool pile of ashes in

the corner.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 30

Paperback / Kindle here




brian browne walker taoist app bundle ios ipad iphone


can now buy

Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover



all the myriad things make one whole

it’s gonna be okay honey bunny


All the myriad things

are neither opposed to nor contrary

to your true self. Directly pass through to

freedom and they make one whole.

It has been this way from time

without beginning.


The only problem

is when people put themselves

in opposition to it and spurn it and impose

orientations of grasping or rejecting, creating a

concern where there is none. This is

precisely why they are not

joyfully alive.



zen letters