marry mind to breath and look within

joni niemala




of the Oneness is

contained within you.

Don’t believe it?

Go look.



senses can’t perceive it.

Thought fails to apprehend it.

Approach by sacrificing all knowing

and doing, though, and it 

envelops you.



mind to breath and

look within until all false

concepts and imaginings

come to an end. This

is the center of

the Way.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 63

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Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

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shed the duality that you are a seeker

anna ehrgott



is nothing that 

is impure, nothing in need of

elimination, no place to go, not a thing to

obtain. Shed the duality that you are a seeker 

in search of some attainment. Just be

as you are, without attachment

to anything, anyone,

any state, any



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 24

Paperback / Kindle here




brian browne walker taoist app bundle ios ipad iphone


can now buy

Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover



those who follow tao

always at peace


Those who follow

Tao strive for perfection,

but they are wary about being called

prophets. That is a limited role. Being a prophet

represents a great trap baited with the temptation of

self-importance. The ultimate aim of following

Tao is to transcend identity. Those who call

themselves prophets or even masters

maximize their identities.


It is far better

not to be a prophet, and to

eschew the responsibilities, limitations,

and temptations. It is far better to be obscure

and to be thought stupid. Having someone call you

by a title is an interference that you don’t need.

When you are seeing the greatest wonder

of your life, the last thing you want

is to have someone blocking

the light. 


Deng Ming-Dao