serving without expectation of reward


Tao gives

life to all beings.

Nature nourishes them.

Fellow creatures shape them.

Circumstances complete them.

Everything in existence respects tao and

honors nature — not by decree,

but spontaneously.


Tao gives life to all beings.

Nature watches over them, develops them,

shelters them, nurses them, grows them, ripens

them, completes them, buries them,

and returns them.


Giving birth,

nourishing life, shaping things

without possessing them, serving without

expectation of reward, leading without dominating:

These are the profound virtues of nature,

and of nature’s best beings.


The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 51


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what is meant by emodying the tao

john kraus / apod


Dualistic thinking is

a sickness. Religion is a distortion.

Materialism is cruel. Blind spirituality is unreal.

Chanting is no more holy than listening to the murmur

of a stream, counting prayer beads no more sacred

than simply breathing, religious robes

no more spiritual than

work clothes.


If you wish

to attain oneness with the tao,

don’t get caught up in spiritual superficialities.

Instead, live a quiet and simple life, free of ideas and

concepts. Find contentment in the practice

of undiscriminating virtue, the only

true power.


Giving to others

selflessly and anonymously,

radiating light throughout the world

and illuminating your own darknesses,

your virtue becomes a sanctuary

for yourself and all beings.

This is what is meant by

embodying the



Hua hu Ching, Chapter 47

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the reward of the virtuous

carl moon, navajo weaver


Greed for

enlightenment and

immortality is no different

than greed for material wealth.

It is self-centered and dualistic, and

thus an obstacle to true attainment.

Therefore these states are never

achieved by those who covet

them; rather, they are

the reward of the



If you

wish to become

a divine immortal angel,

then restore the angelic qualities

of your being through virtue

and service.


This is the only

way to gain the attention

of the immortals who teach the

methods of energy enhancement

and integration that enable

one to reach the

divine realm.


These angelic

teachers cannot be sought out;

it is they who seek out the student.

When you succeed in connecting your

energy with the divine realm through

high awareness and the practice of

undiscriminating virtue, the

transmission of the

ultimate subtle

truths will



This is the path that all angels

take to the divine realm.


from Hua hu Ching, Chapter 59


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a moment of great influence

for nature, from nature


A moment of

great influence is at hand.

Prepare wisely and act



The image of the hexagram Fêng is that of thunder and lightning filling the sky. It signifies a period of tremendous power which, like all such moments, only lasts for a time. Here we are instructed how to know when the moment is ripe, and what to do when it is not.

Our influence in the world naturally ebbs and flows. At one moment others are full of mistrust, and forward movement is impossible. In the next, by steadfastly clinging to what is true and good, we reawaken their receptivity and growth can take place. Only by carefully observing these cycles—the openings and closings of others to our influence—can we achieve greatness. To do this, we must cultivate an attitude of independent watchfulness. In this state of quiet observation we open our hearts to the aid of the Sage, who in turn opens our eyes to what is possible and what is not. This clarity enables us to move with strength and grace when the time is right, and in this we achieve abundance.

Fêng also advises us that influence cannot last forever; as the sun rises, so it must set. When receptivity gives way to mistrust and our influence begins to wane, we ought not struggle to fortify or prolong it. Modesty and detachment require that we accept the turning of the tide. By letting go of the passing moment and entering the next with a correct and balanced attitude, we save ourselves for a more beneficial time.


from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 55, Feng / Abundance


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