the master is good at saving people

joan radcliffe walker was

and so was bud walker



good runner

leaves no tracks; 

a good speaker makes no slips; 

a good planner doesn’t have to scheme. 

The best lock has no bolt, and no

one can open it. The best knot

uses no rope, and no

one can untie




the master is always

good at saving people, and

doesn’t abandon anyone; always good

at conserving things, and doesn’t

waste anything. This is known

as “Following the



What is a good man but a bad man’s teacher? 

What is a bad man but a good man’s charge? 



doesn’t matter how

smart you are if you don’t

have the sense to honor your teachers 

and cherish your responsibilities. 

This is an essential

teaching of



The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 27


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Hua hu Ching, and Art of War for

iPad, Phone, Kindle, Nook,

or Android



can now buy

Tao te Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


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you can rely upon it for everything

the lioness keala kennelly at teahupoʻo


In this

tradition of wei wu wei,

we don’t have a thing to offer you.

That is why you can rely upon

it for everything.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 64

Paperback / Kindle here




🌊  touch nirvana  🏄🏽‍♀️


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can now buy

Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover



tongue 👅 prog


hold to the good at every turn

adrienne kammerer


Don’t rely on

others to direct your

conduct. Be determined in

holding to the good

at every turn.


third changing line

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 16, Yü / Enthusiasm




Keep yourself simple,

good, guileless, dignified, unpretentious,

devoted to justice, pious, kind, affectionate to others,

and resolute in carrying out your proper tasks. Strive to be and

remain the kind of person philosophy would have you be.

Revere the gods and keep men safe. Life is short.

There’s only one crop to be reaped from your

time on earth, and that is a reverential

disposition and socially

useful actions.


Marcus Aurelius

the annotated marcus