The way is difficult
and very intricate. Lalla discarded her
books that told about it, and through meditation
saw the truth that never comes to anyone
from reading words.
The way is difficult
and very intricate. Lalla discarded her
books that told about it, and through meditation
saw the truth that never comes to anyone
from reading words.
To Shine One Corner of the World
Great robe of liberation
Field far beyond form and emptiness
Wearing Buddha’s teaching
Saving all beings
I, Lalla,
entered the jasmine garden,
where Shiva and Shakti where making love.
I dissolved into them, and what is this to me, now?
I seem to be here, but really I’m walking
in the jasmine garden.
please tell me what
I can do about this world I hold to,
and keep spinning out! I gave up sewn clothes,
and wore a robe, but I noticed one day the cloth was
well woven. So I bought some burlap, but I still throw it
elegantly over my shoulder. I pulled back my sexual longings,
and now I discover that I’m angry a lot. I gave up rage, and
now I notice that I am greedy all day. I worked hard at
dissolving my greed, and now I am proud of myself.
When the mind wants to break its link with
the world it still holds on to one thing.
Kabir says: Listen, my friend,
there are very few that
find the path!
Fame is water
carried in a basket.
Hold the wind in your fist, or
tie up an elephant with one hair.
These are accomplishments
that will make you