why prophets were given hardship

this whole universe is the Beloved


Soul guides and prophets

have an innate innocence, but they are

subject to the same consequences as everyone.

If a donkey veers off-course, he will be hit with a stick.

If you do wrong, you will be punished. Abu Bakr said

that steadiness is the central virtue. From the

mind’s stability comes right action

which in turn balances the



They asked me why

prophets were given hardship.

I said it helps to have clear indications.

And I added silently to myself, Be more

humble like someone help captive.

Bow to the one who

can free you.


Bahauddin, father of Rumi

the drowned book


the kingship of the dervish

patch-robed monks


Fleeting time

and the changes of matter

make all the kings of the earth but

transitory kings, ruling over transitory kingdoms;

this is because of their dependence upon their environment

instead of their imagination. But the kingship of the dervish,

independent of all external influences, based purely on

his mental perception and strengthened by the forces

of his will, is much truer and at once unlimited

and everlasting. Yet in the materialistic view

his kingdom would appear as nothing,

while in the spiritual conception

it is an immortal and

exquisite realm

of joy.


Hazrat Inayat Khan

detours and distractions



Not all

spiritual paths lead to

the Harmonious Oneness.

Indeed, most are detours and

distractions, nothing



Why not

trust the plainness and

simplicity of the Integral Way?

Living with unconditional sincerity,

eradicating all duality, celebrating the

equality of things, your every

moment will be

in truth.


Hua hu Ching, Chapter 25


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real happiness is in the heart

hazrat inayat khan

Man seeks happiness in pleasure, in joy, but these are only shadows of happiness. The real happiness is in the heart of man. But man does not look for it. In order to find happiness, he seeks pleasure. Anything that is passing and anything that results in unhappiness is not happiness.

In reality very few in this world know what happiness means. Pleasure is the shadow of happiness, for pleasure depends upon things outside ourselves; happiness comes from within ourselves. Happiness belongs to the heart quality; pleasure to the outer world. The distance between pleasure and happiness is as vast as that between earth and heaven. As long as the heart is not tuned to its proper pitch one will not be happy. That inner smile which shows itself in a man’s expression, in his atmosphere, that belongs to happiness. If position were taken away and wealth were lost in the outer life, that inner happiness would not be taken away. And the smiling of the heart depends upon the tuning of the heart, the heart must be tuned to that pitch where it is living.

There are a thousand excuses for unhappiness that the reasoning mind will make. But is even one of these excuses ever entirely correct? Do you think that if these people gained their desires they would be happy? If they possessed all, would that suffice? No, they would still find some excuse for unhappiness; all these excuses are only like covers over a man’s eyes, for deep within is the yearning for the true happiness which none of these things can give. He who is really happy is happy everywhere, in a palace or in a cottage, in riches or in poverty, for he has discovered the fountain of happiness which is situated in his own heart. As long as a person has not found that fountain, nothing will give him real happiness.

If there is any source from where one can get the direction on how to act in life, it is to be found in one’s heart. The exercises of the Sufi help to get to the source where one can get the direction, the right direction, where there is a spark of the Spirit of Guidance. Those who care to be guided by the spirit, they are always guided, but those who know not whether such a spirit exists or does not exist, they wander through life as a wild horse in the woods, not knowing where it goes, why it runs, why it stands. It is a great pity to be thirsty and remain thirsty when the spring of fresh water is within one’s reach. There can be no loss so great in life as having the spark glittering in one’s heart and yet groping in the darkness through life.


Hazrat Inayat Khan


the world is a vessel for spirit

snow crows


If you try

to grab hold of the

world and do what you want

with it, you won’t



The world

is a vessel for spirit,

and it wasn’t made to be manipulated.

Tamper with it and you’ll spoil it.

Hold it, and you’ll

lose it.


With tao,

sometimes you move ahead

and sometimes you stay back; sometimes

you work hard and sometimes you rest; sometimes

you’re strong and sometimes you’re weak;

sometimes you’re up; sometimes

you’re down.


The sage

remains alert, avoiding

extremes, avoiding extravagance,

avoiding excess.


from The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 29


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Tao te Ching as part of a

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