sing in the dark and try to forgive


In the dark times
Will there also be singing?
Yes, there will be singing.
About the dark times.

Bertolt Brecht


There will be prayer, too,
but to a different god,

and dread will lurk
in the songs we sing.

Doom in the timpani
no matter what the tune,

the tune a variation
on the theme of doom.

We will sing in the dark
and try to forgive

and try not to dwell
on the lives we lived.

The music we play
will be a funeral song,

the poetry we speak,
that ancient tool

we used to believe
was the vital spark,

or if not the spark,
will be the match we strike

again and again
in the darkest dark.


Andrea Hollander


happiness without sorrow

free from concerns


Just let your

mind be free; don’t

do contemplative exercises,

and don’t think of sorrow or worry.

Clear and unobstructed, free as you will,

not contriving virtues, not perpetrating evils,

walking, standing still, sitting, lying down, whatever

meets the eye, in any circumstance, is all the subtle

function of Buddha. It is called Buddahood

because of happiness without



Dayi Daoxin

treasury of the eye of true teaching


you are no different from buddha

be free of all worldly affairs


You are no different from buddha.

There is no other dharma.
 Simply let your mind

be carefree.
 You do not need to contemplate
 your action

and to purify your mind.
 Let your mind be boundless 
and without

any obstruction.
 Be free from going and coming.
 Whether you

walk or stay,
 sit or lie down, and whatever
 you see or

 all are the subtle functions of buddha.

It is joy without sorrow.
 This is

called buddha.



weapons are tools of evil


Weapons are tools of evil,

shunned and avoided by everything

in nature. Because people of tao follow

nature, they want nothing to

do with weapons.


Un-evolved people are eager

to act out of strength, but a person of tao

values peace and quiet. He knows that every being

is born of the womb of tao. This means that his

enemies are his enemies second, his own

brothers and sisters first.


Thus he resorts to weapons

only in the direst necessity, and then uses

them with utmost restraint. He takes no pleasure in victory,

because to rejoice in victory is to delight in killing.

Whoever delights in killing will not

find success in this world.


Observe victories as

you observe a death in the

family: with sorrow and mourning.

Every victory is a funeral

for kin.


Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 31

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