sing in the dark and try to forgive


In the dark times
Will there also be singing?
Yes, there will be singing.
About the dark times.

Bertolt Brecht


There will be prayer, too,
but to a different god,

and dread will lurk
in the songs we sing.

Doom in the timpani
no matter what the tune,

the tune a variation
on the theme of doom.

We will sing in the dark
and try to forgive

and try not to dwell
on the lives we lived.

The music we play
will be a funeral song,

the poetry we speak,
that ancient tool

we used to believe
was the vital spark,

or if not the spark,
will be the match we strike

again and again
in the darkest dark.


Andrea Hollander


to save the world, break the mirror

nanao sakaki


In the morning

After taking cold shower

—-what a mistake—-

I look at the mirror.

There, a funny guy,

Grey hair, white beard, wrinkled skin,

—-what a pity—-

Poor, dirty, old man,

He is not me, absolutely not.

Land and life

Fishing in the ocean

Sleeping in the desert with stars

Building a shelter in the mountains

Farming the ancient way

Singing with coyotes

Singing against nuclear war—

I’ll never be tired of life.

Now I’m seventeen years old,

Very charming young man.

I sit quietly in lotus position,

Meditating, meditating for nothing.

Suddenly a voice comes to me:

“To stay young,

To save the world,

Break the mirror.”


Nanao Sakaki

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