reality flows like water

mike putnam


In order to

be a proper teacher to

oneself, one must be part midwife,

part executioner: sometimes rebirthing oneself,

sometimes annihilating and leaving useless bits by the

wayside, until the self soars free and clear of

attachment, obstruction, and delusion

and joins all buddhas past,

present, and



Then one

can stop fracturing

reality with names and ideas

of self, other, buddha,


and so on.



beyond definitions

and beyond mind, reality

flows like pure



Wei wu Wei Ching, Hexagram 29

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look to what is pure

fertilizing my bamboo grove with horse manure


Give up religiosity

and knowledge, and the people

will benefit a hundredfold. Discard morality

and righteousness, and the people will return

to natural love. Abandon shrewdness

and profiteering, and there

won’t be any robbers

or thieves.


These are external

matters, however. What is most

important is what happens within:

look to what is pure; hold to what

is simple; let go of self-interest;

temper your desires.


The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 19


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