accept everything that is

fabien barrau



comes only when you accept

everything that is — without resistance,

without quarrel, in complete stillness. This is

the only, the simplest, the necessary

ground of being for complete



The opportunity

to dwell in quiet acceptance

exists in every moment — sitting, bathing,

cleaning, cooking, working, wherever.

When that moment passes,

it is present in the next.

Just embrace



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 2

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attention to what is correct

marc henauer


Your inner power

makes influence possible.

There is danger in ambition and

agenda-making. The truly beneficial

influence is that which flows

naturally from your

attention to what

is correct.


third changing line

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 10, Lü / Treading


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discover the harmony in your own being

alfred eisenstaedt


Why scurry

about looking for the truth?

It vibrates in every thing and every

not-thing, right off the tip of your nose.

Can you be still and see it in the

mountain? the pine tree?



Don’t imagine

that you’ll discover it by accumulating

more knowledge. Knowledge creates doubt,

and doubt makes you ravenous for more

knowledge. You can’t get full

eating this way. 


The wise person

dines on something more subtle:

He eats the understanding that the named

was born from the unnamed, that all being flows

from non-being, that the describable world emanates

from an indescribable source. He finds this subtle

truth inside his own self, and becomes

completely content. 



who can be

still and watch the

chess game of the world?

The foolish are always making

impulsive moves, but the wise know

that victory and defeat are decided by

something more subtle. They see

that something perfect exists

before any move

is made.



subtle perfection

deteriorates when artificial

actions are taken, so be content not

to disturb the peace. Remain quiet.

Discover the harmony in

your own being.

Embrace it.


If you

can do this, you will

gain everything, and the world

will become healthy again.

If you can’t, you will be

lost in the shadows



from Hua hu Ching, Chapter 38


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Hua hu Ching, and Art of War for

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