the way of non-differentiation

rick spitzer


When the level of concentration

on the void is gradually attained, one will feel

that he is free from delusion. Although he keeps himself

pure and rejects the impure, his mind is not yet

completely pure —  it is as a sword that

has cut through mud and

remains uncleaned.


…When one reaches jen-wei, or

the level of absolute freedom, he is truly free.

His mind and body are non-attached to anything.

There is absolutely no gain and no loss. This mystery

is the way of non-differentiation.  If one tried

to say even one word about it, he

would miss the point.


Ch’ing-chü Hao-sheng

original teachings of ch’an


gradual cultivation

lori andrews


You must keep this

mind balanced and equanimous,

without deluded ideas of self and others,

without arbitrary loves and hates, without grasping

or rejecting, without notions of gain and loss.

Go on gradually nurturing this for

a long time, perhaps twenty

or thirty years.


Whether you encounter

favorable or adverse conditions,

do not retreat or regress — then when you

come to the juncture between life and death,

you will naturally be set free and be not afraid.

As the saying goes, “Truth requires sudden

awakening, but the phenomenal

level calls for gradual




zen letters


the oneness gives birth


Nonbeing gives

birth to the oneness.

The oneness gives birth to yin and

yang. Yin and yang give birth to heaven,

earth, and beings. Heaven, earth, and

beings give birth to everything

in existence.


Therefore everything

in existence carries within it both

yin and yang, and attains its harmony by

blending together these two

vital breaths.


Ordinary people

hate nothing more than to be

powerless, small, and unworthy.

Yet this is how superior people

describe themselves.


Gain is loss.

Loss is gain.


I repeat what others have said:

The strong and violent don’t die natural deaths.

This is the very essence of my teaching.


The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 42


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