on this date a lion rose to heaven


Rory James Andrew Young

21 May 1972 Lusaka, Zambia
26 April 2021 Fada N’gourma, Burkina Faso




As good a man

as I have ever known or am likely to 

was killed on this day two years ago. Please

read about his monumental life,

and please send him 

your love.



Prayers for the dead

are on the same footing as gifts for the living.

The angel goes in to the dead with a tray of light, bearing a cloth of light,

and says, ‘This is a gift for you from your brother so-and-so,

from your relative so-and-so.” And he delights in

it just as a living man rejoices

in a gift.


Ibn al -Ghazali




maintaining quiet awareness

mountain bluebird



quiet awareness from

moment to moment, you’ll see

that your enlightenment is not separate

from the ordinary world but one with it.

It doesn’t come from some distance to

get to you and it doesn’t go away

when you stop attending to it.

Make awareness continuous,

though, and it will




Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 5

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channel your energy toward the light



think you can attain

total awareness and whole enlightenment

without proper discipline and practice. This is egomania.

Appropriate rituals channel your emotions and life

energy toward the light. Without the discipline

to practice them, you will tumble

constantly backward into



Here is

the great secret:

Just as high awareness

of the subtle truth is gained through

virtuous conduct and sustaining disciplines,

so also is it maintained through these

things. Highly evolved beings

know and respect the

truth of this.


from The Hua hu Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 29


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Tao te Ching as part of a

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you only have to set it down



don’t have to

straighten anything out 

in your mind. You only have

to set it down if it

isn’t good.



enlightenment is

fully present at every moment

of your life. If you perceive something

between you and that, nothing more

need be done other than

to let go of it upon




Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 6

Paperback / Kindle here




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can now buy

Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover
