no one else gives this to you

smoke ’em if you got ’em


We already

have what we need.

The wisdom, the strength,

the confidence, the awakened heart

and mind are always accessible here and now.

We are just uncovering them. We are rediscovering

them. We’re not inventing them or importing

them from somewhere else.

They’re here.


That’s why

when we feel caught

in darkness, suddenly the clouds

can part. Out of nowhere we cheer up

or relax or experience the vastness

of our minds. No one else

gives this to



Pema Chodron


they say there is a pure land

eagle house


They say there is

a pure land where everything

is only mind, and that there’s a buddha of light

in your own body. Once that buddha of light appears,

mountains, rivers, earth, grass, trees, and forests

suddenly glow with a great light.


To see this,

you have to look inside

your own heart. Then what should

you be looking out for? When you are looking

for something that is only mind, what kind of special

features would it have? When you are looking for

the buddha of infinite light in your own body,

how would you recognize it?


Inside your own heart.

Trees shine with a great light.



bring me the rhinoceros

on this date a lion rose to heaven


Rory James Andrew Young

21 May 1972 Lusaka, Zambia
26 April 2021 Fada N’gourma, Burkina Faso




As good a man

as I have ever known or am likely to 

was killed on this day two years ago. Please

read about his monumental life,

and please send him 

your love.



Prayers for the dead

are on the same footing as gifts for the living.

The angel goes in to the dead with a tray of light, bearing a cloth of light,

and says, ‘This is a gift for you from your brother so-and-so,

from your relative so-and-so.” And he delights in

it just as a living man rejoices

in a gift.


Ibn al -Ghazali

