decide now to be free

Perry Bible Fellowship



have to decide

right now to be free

once and for all. Everyone who

has found freedom in this lifetime has

had to make this decision. Now is the time

to have a direct introduction to this moment.

This moment is free of time, of mind, of any notions.

When one abides as the Self, some divine power

takes charge of one’s life. All actions then take

place spontaneously, and are performed

very efficiently, without any

mental effort or




and more papaji


there is freedom at the end

those who awaken never rest


There is freedom

from desire and sorrow

at the end of the way. The awakened

one is free from all fetters and goes beyond

life and death. Like a swan that rises

from the water she moves onward,

never looking back.


The one who understands

the unreality of all things, and who

has laid up no store, that one’s track is

as of birds in the air. Like a bird in the air,

she takes an invisible course, wanting

nothing, storing nothing, knowing

the emptiness of all things.




the perfection of wisdom

most valued possession


Arouse the mind without

placing it anywhere.


Diamond Sutra




The day before my birthday, October 1,

I mentioned to Mom at her memory care home that the next day

was my birthday. She was upset she had nothing for me, but I assured her about this.

The following day when I arrived, that was waiting for me. My mom was a wonderful writer,

I’m a piker next to both my folks in this regard, they both wrote long letters to me in beautiful hands,

and got them from me, all our lives together. But dementia made it almost impossible  for

my mom to write at all near the end, and I was told she labored over this,

with help, for over an hour. Water runs down my face

every time my eye falls on it.


transcend all phenomena



opinion, excitement,

anger — so easy to spark,

so impossible to govern. Prefer

instead to be impartial, unattached,

empty, silent, still. Staying right

at home, you can transcend

all phenomena and enjoy

complete peace.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 41

Paperback / Kindle here




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