yield, accept, nourish



with things as

the earth bears with us: by

yielding, by accepting,

by nourishing.

K’un the Receptive is the complement to Qián the Creative: the dark which is illuminated by light, the earth which receives the blessings of heaven, the vessel into which nourishment flows. This is a time to follow rather than lead, to assist rather than initiate, to listen rather than talk. Redevote yourself to the cultivation of modesty, receptivity, and gentleness now, and let go of concerns about the conduct of others or the progress of your worldly ambitions.

The wisdom of cultivating receptivity cannot be overstated; receptivity is the rich earth without which the Creative cannot take root in our lives. This fundamental hexagram serves as a strong encouragement to you to concentrate on your capacities to nourish, to support, to accept, to work without desiring recognition, to follow the guidance of the Sage.

You can benefit greatly in a period like this from time spent in solitude; in quietness we have an opportunity to focus on purification of our hearts and minds. It is a good time to ask oneself, “Am I sincerely pursuing the good for its own sake, or do I have a hidden agenda?” If so, detach from it and return to the path of independence and balance. Through humility and openness we become receptive to the assistance of the Higher Power.

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 2, K’un / The Receptive

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progress as a tree does

cherry blossom tree

wise trees


Activity grounded in truth

brings good fortune.


It is

a time when

great progress can be made

through effort of will. However, it is essential

that all your activity be characterized by humility,

conscientiousness, and adaptability. Progress

as a tree does, bending around obstacles

rather than confronting them,

pushing upward steadily

but gently.



is nothing to be feared

from others now. Be neither subservient

nor forceful with those you encounter; simply meet

everyone with tolerance and gentle goodwill.

Those who look for the good

in others find it



If fears

or doubts intrude,

remain quietly focused on

the activity at hand. Cultivate inner

independence and trust the leadership of

the Sage. The time is ripe for progress

if you put forth an effort that is

innocent, sincere, and



The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 46, Sheng / Pushing Upward


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Hua hu Ching, and Art of War for

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or Android



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the I Ching as part of a

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for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


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gradual cultivation

lori andrews


You must keep this

mind balanced and equanimous,

without deluded ideas of self and others,

without arbitrary loves and hates, without grasping

or rejecting, without notions of gain and loss.

Go on gradually nurturing this for

a long time, perhaps twenty

or thirty years.


Whether you encounter

favorable or adverse conditions,

do not retreat or regress — then when you

come to the juncture between life and death,

you will naturally be set free and be not afraid.

As the saying goes, “Truth requires sudden

awakening, but the phenomenal

level calls for gradual




zen letters


oneness with tao is your true nature

tinyao yang


Work toward 

emptiness and openness. 

Cultivate stillness. Breathe harmony. 

Become tranquility. As the ten thousand

things rise and fall, rise and fall, 

just witness their return

to the root.



that flourishes dissolves

again into the source. To dissolve

back into the source is to find peace. 

To find peace is to recover your true nature. 

To recover your true nature is to know

the constancy of Tao. To know

the constancy of Tao

is insight. 


Insight opens

your mind. An open

mind leads to an open heart. 

Open heartedness leads to justice. 

Justice is an expression of

divinity. Divinity is 

oneness with




with Tao is freedom

from harm, indescribable

pleasure, eternal



The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 16


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Hua hu Ching, and Art of War for

iPad, Phone, Kindle, Nook,

or Android



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Tao te Ching as part of a

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for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


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do non-doing and inherit the universe

giovani cordioli



wait around for

a teacher? Pick up staff

and knock the sense out of

yourself, so you can

enter eternity.


The ancestors

are everywhere around you,

offering the silent light of truth.

Put down what you’re doing with

your mind and pick up that up.

Do non-doing, and you’ll

inherit the whole



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 7

Paperback / Kindle here




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can now buy

Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover
