the perfection of existence

dick van duijn


By seeing

all the way through

things we are able to perceive

the perfection of existence. The

foreground of mind is noisy chatter,

but by simply watching that with

discipline and perseverance, we

see it quiet. In its place arises

a vast, silent, illuminated




also with life.

The foreground is rife

with suffering and difficulty,

but by doing non-doing and

quietly observing, we

become aware of

its purity.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 10

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everything has the same value

the shaggy dog


There is no distinction

between heaven and earth, man and woman,

teacher and disciple. Sometimes a man bows to a woman;

sometimes a woman bows to a man. Sometimes the disciple bows

to the master; sometimes the master bows to the disciple. A master

who cannot bow to his disciple cannot bow to Buddha.

Sometimes the master and disciple bow together

to Buddha. Sometimes we may bow

to cats and dogs.


In your big mind,

everything has the same value.

Everything is Buddha himself. You see something

or hear a sound, and there you have everything just as it is.

In your practice you should accept everything as it is, giving to

each thing the same respect given to a Buddha. Here there

is Buddhahood. Then Buddha bows to Buddha,

and you bow to yourself. This is

the true bow.


Shunryu Suzuki

zen mind, beginner’s mind


there will come a time



A horse strays

into a cave of lions. You move

deeper into your desire for sex, for art

and wealth. There will come a time when your

life is a blank, but has there ever really been a time

when human beings were not cared for? For thousands

of years we had no identity, yet we managed to arrive

in this amazing moment, this brightly conscious

lifespan. Who gave us such restlessness

to know and be?


Bahauddin, father of Rumi

The Drowned Book


seeing the master in yourself


There is no

difference between your

body and the body of the buddha.

If ignorance exists, seeds

of realization are

sown in it.



yourself in the master and

the master in yourself, you sense reality.

Understanding that all worldly phenomena

and the one reality are interwoven

and inseparable, you begin to

experience peace and



Carrying on,

continuing with concentration,

you illuminate your own buddha nature

from within, and then, seeing that nothing

is apart from it, become free

and peaceful in all

you do.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 8

Paperback / Kindle here




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Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

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