carry your heart like a sun

a noble heart



could become a

great horseman and help

to free yourself and this world though

only if you and prayer become sweet lovers.

It is a naive man who thinks we are not engaged in a

fierce battle, for I see and hear brave foot soldiers

all around me going mad, falling on the ground

in excruciating pain. You could become a

victorious horseman and carry your

heart through this world like a

life-giving sun though only

if you and God become

sweet lovers.



the gift


do good only for the sake of goodness

The Sufi moral is this:

Love another and do not depend

upon his love; and: do good to another

and do not depend upon receiving good

from him; serve another and do not look

for service from him. All you do for another

out of your love and kindness, you should think

that you do, not to that person, but to God. And

if the person returns love for love, goodness

for goodness, service for service, so much

the better. If he does not return it, then

pity him for what he loses; for his

gain is much less than

his loss.


Do not look for thanks

or appreciation for all the good you do to

others, nor use it as a means to stimulate your vanity.

Do all that you consider good for the sake of

goodness, not even for a return

of that from God.


Hazrat Inayat Khan