decide now to be free

Perry Bible Fellowship



have to decide

right now to be free

once and for all. Everyone who

has found freedom in this lifetime has

had to make this decision. Now is the time

to have a direct introduction to this moment.

This moment is free of time, of mind, of any notions.

When one abides as the Self, some divine power

takes charge of one’s life. All actions then take

place spontaneously, and are performed

very efficiently, without any

mental effort or




and more papaji


you are no different from buddha

be free of all worldly affairs


You are no different from buddha.

There is no other dharma.
 Simply let your mind

be carefree.
 You do not need to contemplate
 your action

and to purify your mind.
 Let your mind be boundless 
and without

any obstruction.
 Be free from going and coming.
 Whether you

walk or stay,
 sit or lie down, and whatever
 you see or

 all are the subtle functions of buddha.

It is joy without sorrow.
 This is

called buddha.

