the myriad things are peaceful

dream baby dream


Haven’t you

read the ancient worthy’s saying?

“The white clouds are clear and still, and the rivers

flow into the blue sea. The myriad things are

originally peaceful, but people

make trouble for



After all,

this statement is completely

accurate and true. If you know what it means

as soon as you hear it mentioned, you can use it to pass

through birth and death to freedom and no longer be obstructed

by the psycho-physical nexus. You will be like a bird getting

out of a cage — independent and free. With a single

stroke you put a stop to all other actions and

talk, and you no longer fall into

secondary views.




on this date a lion rose to heaven


Rory James Andrew Young

21 May 1972 Lusaka, Zambia
26 April 2021 Fada N’gourma, Burkina Faso




As good a man

as I have ever known or am likely to 

was killed on this day two years ago. Please

read about his monumental life,

and please send him 

your love.



Prayers for the dead

are on the same footing as gifts for the living.

The angel goes in to the dead with a tray of light, bearing a cloth of light,

and says, ‘This is a gift for you from your brother so-and-so,

from your relative so-and-so.” And he delights in

it just as a living man rejoices

in a gift.


Ibn al -Ghazali




the subtle universe appears

rip, colossal soul



your mind, following

your breath, simplifying your life,

you reduce agitation and worry

with each passing




genuine stillness

pervades your existence,

the subtle universe appears.

Then you can go anywhere you

like and give yourself

just what you



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 19

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after we resume our original nature



When the water returns

to its original oneness with the river,

it no longer has any individual feeling to

it; it resumes its own nature, and finds

composure. How very glad the

water must be to come

back to the original



If this is so,

what feeling will we have

when we die? I think we are like the water

in the dipper. We will have composure then, perfect

composure. It may be too perfect for us, just now, because

we are so much attached to our own feeling, to our

individual existence. For us, just now, we have

some fear of death, but after we resume

our true original nature,

there is Nirvana.


Shunryu Suzuki

zen mind, beginner’s mind

don’t die

geoff mcfetridge


After the birthing of bombs of forks and fear
the frantic automatic weapons unleashed,
the spray of bullets into a crowd holding hands,
that brute sky opening in a slate metal maw
that swallows only the unsayable in each of us, what’s
left? Even the hidden nowhere river is poisoned
orange and acidic by a coal mine. How can
you not fear humanity, want to lick the creek
bottom dry, to suck the deadly water up into
your own lungs, like venom? Reader, I want to
say: Don’t die. Even when silvery fish after fish
comes back belly up, and the country plummets
into a crepitating crater of hatred, isn’t there still
something singing? The truth is: I don’t know.
But sometimes, I swear I hear it, the wound closing
like a rusted-over garage door, and I can still move
my living limbs into the world without too much
pain, can still marvel at how the dog runs straight
toward the pickup trucks break-necking down
the road, because she thinks she loves them,
because she’s sure, without a doubt, that the loud
roaring things will love her back, her soft small self
alive with desire to share her goddamn enthusiasm,
until I yank the leash back to save her because
I want her to survive forever. Don’t die, I say,
and we decide to walk for a bit longer, starlings
high and fevered above us, winter coming to lay
her cold corpse down upon this little plot of earth.
Perhaps we are always hurtling our body towards
the thing that will obliterate us, begging for love
from the speeding passage of time, and so maybe,
like the dog obedient at my heels, we can walk together
peacefully, at least until the next truck comes.


24th Poet Laureate of the United States