when stillness pervades your existence

every ongoing prayer for the mighty soul of rory young



your mind, following

your breath, simplifying your life,

you reduce agitation and worry

with each passing




genuine stillness

pervades your existence,

the subtle universe appears.

Then you can go anywhere you

like and give yourself

just what you



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 19

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heaven’s secret is motherly love

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under heaven says that

my Tao is great, but inconceivable. 

It is its very greatness that makes it inconceivable! 

If it could be conceived of, how small

it would be! 


I have three

treasures to hold and protect: 

The first is motherly love. The second

is economy. The third is daring

not to be first in the



With motherly

love one can be courageous. 

With economy one can be expansive. 

With humility one

can lead. 


To be

courageous without motherly love, 

To be expansive without practicing economy, 

To go to the front without humility — 

this is courting death. 


Venture with

love and you win the

battle. Defend with love and you are

invulnerable. Heaven’s secret is

motherly love. 


Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 67


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Tao te Ching as part of a

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the cost of one hardcover


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the guardian spirit lodged within

rannveig aamodt


If you find anything

better in human life than justice,

honesty, moderation and courage — if,

to put it generally, you find anything better

than the self-sufficiency of your mind on those

occasions that your actions are compatible with

right reason, as well as when something is allotted

to you by fate without your having chosen it —

if, I say, you’re aware of anything better

than this, turn to it with all your heart

and enjoy the supreme good

you’ve discovered.


But if you find

nothing better than the

guardian spirit lodged within you,

which has brought all your particular

impulses under its control, which scrutinizes

your thoughts, which, as Socrates used to say, has

withdrawn itself from sensations, which has put itself

in the gods’ hands, and which cared providentially for

other people — if everything else turns out to be

trivial and worthless by comparison,

then make room for

nothing else.


Marcus Aurelius

the annotated marcus


courage, virtue, emptiness

bright virtue, high rise


It is foolish 

to think about attaining 

realization by any technique. 

Make habits of courage, virtue, 

and absolute emptiness, and 

simply realize what is 

already always 



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 35

Paperback / Kindle here




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can now buy

Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover



begin all over again

please donate to maui strong fund

Before the awakening, man with his little knowledge thinks he knows so much, but now his pride is broken. He finds that all he has known hitherto is useless, that he has to begin all over again. But this is the very time when inspiration and power come. The power of concentration is the means by which to acquire not only the power of telepathy, but will power, moral power, inspirational power, moral courage, mental strength, physical strength, and all the different kinds of development in life. It is the first stage, and maybe it is the last stage, when a person’s eyes open to real light.

There are three different steps in concentration: observation, concentration, and vision. Observation is developed by singleness of glance. For instance, if I look at a person I can see that one person much better than if I look at many people and it is thus with everything in life. The first step in learning mysticism is just this: to develop our observation. We are always looking at a hundred things around us, and hardly ever study one thing properly at all. To understand and know a thing better we must keep looking at it; if we keep looking at everything we look at nothing. Such is the law of observation.

The next step, concentration, implies steadiness of mind. We cannot concentrate until we have made the external part steady. Just think: can we keep our eye fixed on one spot for some time without moving it? Can we sit in one posture without fidgeting? Why, many people cannot sit still even for a photographer! This shows us that the vehicle given us to control and utilize is not completely in our power, and if the lowest vehicle we have is not in our power, though this is the simplest thing to control, how then can our mind be in our control? How can we acquire more pure and more powerful thoughts?

Various postures have been recommended to enable us to acquire control. The body has to be made our obedient servant first, and when the body has been subdued the mind will learn obedience from it, for order teaches order. The inner self cannot be in order if the external self is not in order, for our mind is always affected by the body. In order to learn to control the mind we must therefore first learn to control the body.

The third step is vision. When concentration has been mastered the vision becomes clear, and when the vision is clear we can aim clearly, like one who has learned to aim a ball at a certain spot and hit it. If he does not throw the ball properly how can it reach the goal? To hold the ball in our hand and aim it at and hit the desired goal we must master three things: observation, concentration, and vision.

Hazrat Inayat Khan