where does your mind come from?

the largest known structure in the universe


Good and evil all

arise from one’s own mind.

But tell me, besides your activities,

thoughts, and discrimination,
 what do you call

your own mind?
 Where does your mind come from?

If you can discern where your own mind comes from,

then boundless karmic obstruction
 will be cleared

away instantly,
 and all sorts of marvels will

come of themselves

being sought.




realize your wondrous wholeness

make an offering of stillness

When bodhisattvas who live a householder’s life cultivate the practices of home-leavers, it is like a lotus blooming in fire. It will always be hard to tame the will for fame and rank and power and position, not to mention all the myriad starting points of vexation and turmoil associated with the burning house of worldly existence. The only way is for you yourself to realize your fundamental, real, wondrous wholeness and reach the stage of great calm and stability and rest.

It would be best if you managed to cast off everything and be empty and ordinary. Thoroughly experience the absence of conditioned mind, and observe that all phenomena are like dreams and magical illusions. Be empty all the way through, and continue on clearing out your mind according to the time and the situation. Then you will have the same correct foundation as all the great enlightened laymen in buddhist tradition.

According to your own measure of power, you will transform those not yet enlightened so you can enter together into the uncontrived, uncluttered ocean of true nature. Then your life here on this earth will not be a loss.


zen letters


serve the world without mutilating it

please support sheldrick wildlife trust


To know

the masculine and yet

cleave to the feminine is to be the

womb for the world. Being the womb for

the world, never departing from the

eternal power of tao, you

become like an infant

once again:



To know

the bright and yet

hold to the dull is to be

an example for the world. 

Being the example for the world, 

not deviating from the everlasting

power of tao, you return to

the infinite once again: 



To know

honor and yet keep

to humility is to be the valley

for the world. Being the valley for

the world, rich with the primal power

of tao, you return once again to simplicity, 

like uncarved wood. Allow tao to carve

you into a vessel for tao. Then you

can serve the world without




from The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 28


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this very mind is buddha

aigana gali, “meditator”


If you wish

to bring the two matters

of birth and death to conclusion,

and pass directly beyond the triple-world,

you must penetrate the koan “This

very mind is Buddha.”


Tell me:

What is its principle?

How is it that this very mind

is Buddha? And “this very

mind” — just what is

it like?


Investigate it coming. Investigate it going.

Investigate it thoroughly and exhaustively.

All you have to do is keep this koan

constantly in your thoughts.


Daito Kokushi