grasping at objects

all be gone tomorrow


Repeatedly undergoing

birth and death is just due to grasping

at objects. When we reflect back on the mind that

grasps at objects, we see that the real identity of mind

is originally pure. Within this purity, grasping mind

does not exist. Within nirvana, fundamentally

there are no thoughts moving; the

movement is ever still. Being

still, there is no



Records of the Lanka


the search for happiness



The search

for happiness is not

about looking at life through

rose-colored glasses or blinding oneself

to the pain and imperfections of the world.

Nor is happiness a state of exultation

to be perpetuated at all costs; it is

the purging of mental toxins,

such as hatred and



Matthieu Ricard

insight is a function of the spirit




knowledge exists in

and of the brain. Because the brain is

part of the body, which must one day expire,

this collection of facts, however large

and impressive, will expire

as well.



however, is a function of

the spirit. Because your spirit follows

you through cycle after cycle of life, death,

and rebirth, you have the opportunity of cultivating

insight in an ongoing fashion. Refined over time,

insight becomes pure, constant, and

unwavering. This is the beginning

of immortality.


from Hua hu Ching, Chapter 35


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work the soul with discipline

please help support blue dragon


Borrow the beloved’s eyes
Look through them and you’ll see the beloved’s face
everywhere. No tiredness, no jaded boredom.
“I shall be your eye and your hand and your loving.”

Let that happen, and things
you have hated will become helpers.
A certain preacher always prays long and with enthusiasm
for thieves and muggers that attack people
on the street. “Let your mercy, O Lord,
cover their insolence.”
He doesn’t pray for the good,
but only for the blatantly cruel.

Why is this? his congregation asks.
“Because they have done me such generous favors.
Every time I turn back toward the things they want.
I run into them, they beat me, and leave me nearly dead
in the road, and I understand, again, that what they want
is not what I want. They keep me on the spiritual path.
That’s why I honor them, and pray for them.”

Those that make you return, for whatever reason,
to God’s solitude, be grateful to them.
Worry about the others, who give you
delicious comforts that keep you from prayer.

Friends are enemies sometimes,
and enemies friends.

There is an animal called an ushghur, a porcupine
If you hit it with a stick, it extends its quills
and gets bigger. The soul is a porcupine,
made strong by stick-beating.
So a prophet’s soul is especially afflicted,
because it has to become so powerful.

A hide is soaked in tanning liquor and becomes leather.
If the tanner did not rub in the acid,
the hide would get foul-smelling and rotten.

The soul is a newly skinned hide, bloody and gross.
Work it with manual discipline,
and the bitter tanning acid of grief,
and you’ll become lovely, and very strong.

If you can’t do this work yourself, don’t worry.
You don’t even have to make a decision,
one way or another. The Friend, who knows
a lot more than you do, will bring difficulties,
and grief, and sickness,
as medicine, as happiness,
as the essence of the moment when you’re beaten,
when you hear Checkmate, and can finally say,
with Hallaj’s voice,
I trust you to kill me.


Jalal al-Din Rumi