not afraid to forget who you are

morten brekkevold


When you are not

afraid to forget who you are,

life in the kitchen, or life in the office,

might contain huge and overwhelming happiness.

Everything you look at, the door, the walls meeting in the

corner of the room, the light shining on the cell phone, might be

so alive that it looks back. Other people might not be who you

thought they were. Family members might be as fresh

and surprising as strangers. And you, whom you

have only apparently known all your life,

might be fresh and surprising

to yourself too.


John Tarrant

bring me the rhinoceros



contact with good and bad

the most authentic master I ever encountered

Something in prolonged contact with rouge eventually becomes red, something in prolonged contact with soot eventually becomes black. What I realize as I observe this is the tao of habituation to good and bad.
When you live with good people, what you always hear are good words and what you always see are good actions. Hearing and seeing good words and actions over a long period of time plants good seeds in your mind, so that you spontanteously become accustomed to goodness.
When you live with bad people, what you always hear are bad words and what you always see are bad actions. Hearing and seeing bad words and bad actions over a long period of time plants bad seeds in your mind, so that you naturally become accustomed to badness.
Good and bad people are said to be so by nature, but most become so through habit. Therefore wise people choose their associates carefully.

Liu I-Ming

awakening to the tao



the pain of being stretched

bisa butler


Tagore says:

‘When the string of the violin

was being tuned it felt the pain of being

stretched, but once it was tuned then it knew why it

was stretched’. So it is with the human soul. While the soul

goes through pain, torture and trouble it thinks that it would

have  been much better if it had gone through life without

it. But once it reaches the culmination of it then,

when it looks back, it begins to realize why

all this was meant: it was only meant

to tune the soul to a

certain pitch.


Hazrat Inayat Khan

wahiduddin’s web