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accept everything that is
comes only when you accept
everything that is — without resistance,
without quarrel, in complete stillness. This is
the only, the simplest, the necessary
ground of being for complete
The opportunity
to dwell in quiet acceptance
exists in every moment — sitting, bathing,
cleaning, cooking, working, wherever.
When that moment passes,
it is present in the next.
Just embrace
can now buy
Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a
five-app bundle of Taoist classics
for iPhone or iPad for less than
the cost of one hardcover
express your knowledge in your conduct
Express your knowledge in
your conduct rather than in your words.
Trust the wisdom of the Sage and allow
each person to come to his
own understanding.
sixth changing line
The I Ching, or Book of Changes
Hexagram 31 Influence (Wooing)
ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,
Hua hu Ching, Wei wu Wei Ching,
can now buy
the I Ching as part of a
five-app bundle of Taoist classics
for iPhone or iPad for less than
the cost of one hardcover
seeing the master in yourself
There is no
difference between your
body and the body of the buddha.
If ignorance exists, seeds
of realization are
sown in it.
yourself in the master and
the master in yourself, you sense reality.
Understanding that all worldly phenomena
and the one reality are interwoven
and inseparable, you begin to
experience peace and
Carrying on,
continuing with concentration,
you illuminate your own buddha nature
from within, and then, seeing that nothing
is apart from it, become free
and peaceful in all
you do.
can now buy
Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a
five-app bundle of Taoist classics
for iPhone or iPad for less than
the cost of one hardcover
set an example of self-improvement
A breakthrough.
Do not be drawn back
into bad habits.
The arrival of the hexagram Kuai indicates that a long-awaited change is at hand. A difficulty that has oppressed you over a long period is now about to dissolve. It is important to respond in the proper way.
There is a temptation on obtaining relief to fall into the traps of the ego: pride at having dispersed the trouble, self-righteousness about having triumphed through correctness, anger at one who we think was the source of the problem, or a desire to remain free of all difficulty in the future. None of these responses is appropriate to the situation at hand.
What is needed now is resoluteness: a firm commitment to continuing the battle for good and to the self-examination that makes all good things possible. This is not a time to lapse back into negative mental habits and enjoy the “vacation” provided by the breakthrough. Do not rest on your laurels, but push forward, deepening your inner strength and your resistance to the influence of inferiors, both in yourself and others.
Strengthen those around you by setting an example of self-improvement and self-correction. Great progress and good fortune are available now to one who makes proper use of the opening.
from The I Ching, or Book of Changes
Hexagram 43, Kuai / Breakthrough (Resoluteness)
ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,
Wei wu Wei Ching, Hua hu Ching, and
Art of War for iPad/Phone, Kindle,
can now buy
the I Ching as part of a
five-app bundle of Taoist classics
for iPhone or iPad for less than
the cost of one hardcover