rooted in the principles of the sage

konstantin tronin


Lasting progress is won 

through quiet self-discipline.


This hexagram outlines the foundation of proper conduct within ourselves, with those with whom we may have conflicts, and within the larger society. It serves to remind us that no genuine gains can be made unless we are rooted firmly in the principles of the Sage.

An image often associated with this hexagram is that of treading on the tail of a tiger. The “tiger” may be some strong or malevolent force in your own personality, or it may be a particularly volatile individual or situation with which you have to deal. In either case the advice of the I Ching is the same: one avoids the bite of a tiger by treading carefully. To tread carefully means that we remain steadfastly innocent and conscientious in our thoughts and actions. 

It is inevitable that people will display varying levels of spiritual understanding. It is not our duty to condemn or correct others, but simply to go on developing ourselves. Do not imagine that you can hasten your progress through aggressive actions now. Power that is sought and wielded pridefully has a way of evaporating when you need it most, thus exacerbating your difficulties. The only lasting influence is that which arises naturally from a course of steady development.

In the end, it is our inner worth that determines the outer conditions of our lives. Those who resolve to persevere in humility, sincerity, and gentleness can tread anywhere – even on the tail of a tiger – and meet with success.


from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 10, Lü / Treading


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when the mind is seen for what it is

paul caponigro


The purpose

and result of quietly

observing the self is to forget

the self. When the mind is seen for

what it is and fascination with

its activities dissipates,

reality, which was

always present,



It is at

this point that we

understand that nothing

is problematic and life

becomes thoroughly



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 46

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she who is filled with goodness




who is filled with

goodness is like a newborn child:

wasps and snakes will not bite it, fierce

beasts will not attack it, birds of

prey will not pounce

on it.



bones are soft

and its muscles weak,

but its grip is firm. It hasn’t yet

known the union of male and female,

yet its organ stirs with vitality.

It can howl all day without

becoming hoarse,

so perfect is its




know harmony is to

know the eternal.  To know

the eternal is to be




life is not harmonious.

Coercing the breath is unnatural.

Things which are overdeveloped must

decay.  All this is contrary to Tao,

and whatever is contrary

to Tao soon ceases

to be.


from The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 55


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Hua hu Ching, and Art of War for

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Tao te Ching as part of a

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flow like pure water

mike putnam


In order to

be a proper teacher to

oneself, one must be part midwife,

part executioner: sometimes rebirthing oneself,

sometimes annihilating and leaving useless bits by the

wayside, until the self soars free and clear of

attachment, obstruction, and delusion

and joins all buddhas past,

present, and



Then one

can stop fracturing

reality with names and ideas

of self, other, buddha,


and so on.



beyond definitions

and beyond mind, reality

flows like pure



Wei wu Wei Ching, Hexagram 29

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