every breath, each movement

“our greatest blessings come when we are able to improve the lives of others”


Every breath, 

each movement, all activity 

is completely, inseparably interwoven 

with enlightenment. Complete realization 

is bound into every petty difficulty, and

wholly liberated and illuminated

through quiet awareness 

of that fact. 


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 21

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decide now to be free

Perry Bible Fellowship



have to decide

right now to be free

once and for all. Everyone who

has found freedom in this lifetime has

had to make this decision. Now is the time

to have a direct introduction to this moment.

This moment is free of time, of mind, of any notions.

When one abides as the Self, some divine power

takes charge of one’s life. All actions then take

place spontaneously, and are performed

very efficiently, without any

mental effort or




and more papaji


any activity can be your practice

tim fishlock / tristan tzara


Any activity or

occupation can be your practice.

As you go about what you do, simply detach

your mind from its objects. Opening

to emptiness in an alert state,

you become One

with what



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 45

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to eliminate the vexation of the mind

better methodologies


This is

the nature of the

unenlightened mind:

The sense organs, which are

limited in scope and ability, randomly

gather information. This partial information

is arranged into judgements, which are

based on previous judgements,

which are usually based on

someone else’s foolish



These false concepts

and ideas are then stored in a

highly selective memory system. Distortion

upon distortion: the mental energy flows constantly

through contorted and inappropriate channels,

and the more one uses the mind,

the more confused one



To eliminate

the vexation of the mind,

it doesn’t help to do something;

this only reinforces the mind’s mechanics.

Dissolving the mind is instead a matter of not-doing:

Simply avoid becoming attached to what you see and think.

Relinquish the notion that you are separated from

the all-knowing mind of the universe. Then you

can recover your original pure insight

and see through all



Knowing nothing,

you will be aware of everything.

Remember: because clarity and enlightenment

are within your own nature, they are

regained without moving

an inch. 


from Hua hu Ching, Chapter 44


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the earth too is an ephemerid



a moment’s earth-waves

rising and hollowing; the earth

too’s an ephemerid; the stars— short-lived

as grass the stars quicken in the nebula and dry

in their summer, they spiral blind up space, scattered

black seeds of a future; nothing lives long, the whole sky’s

recurrences tick the seconds of the hours of the ages of the gulf

before birth, and the gulf after death is like dated: to labor eighty

years in a notch of eternity is nothing too tiresome, enormous repose

after, enormous repose before, the flash of activity. Surely you never

have dreamed the incredible depths were prologue and epilogue

merely to the surface play in the sun, the instant of life, what is

called life? I fancy that silence is the thing, this noise a found

word for it; interjection, a jump of the breath at that silence;

stars burn, grass grows, men breathe: as a man finding

treasure says ‘Ah!’ but the treasure’s the essence;

before the man spoke it was there, and

after he has spoken he gathers it,

inexhaustible treasure.


Robinson Jeffers