nothing occupying your mind


The wondrous path

of the enlightened ones is straight

and direct. They just pointed directly to

the human mind so we would work

to see its true nature and achieve



This mind-source

is originally empty and peaceful,

clear and wondrous, and free from the slightest

obstruction. But we screen it off with false thoughts

and give rise to defilements and blockages in this

unobstructed one. We turn our backs on the

fundamental and pursue the trivial

and foolishly revolve on the

cycle of routine.


If you

have great capacity,

you won’t seek outside anymore.

Right where you stand you will come forth in

independent realization. When the transitory blinders

of false perception have been dissolved away, the

original correct perception is complete and

wondrous. This is called the identity

of mind and buddha. 


From this,

once realized, it is realized

forever. It is like the bottom falling out of a

bucket: you open through and merge with the Way,

and there is nothing occupying your mind.

Beholding the essence, pure and still,

you receive the use of it and

have no more





pray for knowledge and light

paul newman, bodhisattva


Mentally repeat,

‘Let all beings be happy;

let all beings be peaceful; let all

beings be blissful.’ So do to the east,

south, north and west. The more you do

that the better you will feel yourself. You will

find at last that the easiest way to make ourselves

healthy is to see that others are healthy, and the

easiest way to make ourselves happy is to see

that others are happy. After doing that,

those who believe in God should pray—

not for money, not for health, nor

for heaven; pray for knowledge

and light; every other

prayer is selfish.


Swami Vivekananda


everyone can make himself happy


We are born

under circumstances that

would be favourable if we did not

abandon them. It was nature’s intention

that there should be no need of great equipment

for a good life: every individual can make himself happy.

External goods are of trivial importance and without much influence

in either direction: prosperity does not elevate the sage and

adversity does not depress him. For he has always made

the effort to rely as much as possible on himself

and to derive all delight from





venture with love

goldman bird chickadee



with love and

you win the battle.

Defend with love and you are

invulnerable. Heaven’s

secret is motherly



from The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 67


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