the highest virtue one can exercise

elephants world thailand


Most of the world’s

religions serve only to strengthen

attachments to false concepts such as self and

other,  life and death, heaven and earth, and

so on. Those who become entangled in 

these false ideas are prevented 

from perceiving the

Integral Oneness. 


The highest virtue

one can exercise is to accept

the responsibility of discovering

and transmitting the

whole truth. 


Some help others in order

to receive blessings and admiration. 

This is simply meaningless. Some cultivate

themselves in part to serve others,

in part to serve their own pride. 

They will understand, at best, 

half of the truth. 


But those who

improve themselves for

the sake of the world — to these, the

whole truth of the universe will be revealed. 

So seek the whole truth, practice it in your

daily life, and humbly share it with

others. You will enter the realm

of the divine. 


from Hua hu Ching, Chapter 16


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channel your energy toward the light



think you can attain

total awareness and whole enlightenment

without proper discipline and practice. This is egomania.

Appropriate rituals channel your emotions and life

energy toward the light. Without the discipline

to practice them, you will tumble

constantly backward into



Here is

the great secret:

Just as high awareness

of the subtle truth is gained through

virtuous conduct and sustaining disciplines,

so also is it maintained through these

things. Highly evolved beings

know and respect the

truth of this.


from The Hua hu Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 29


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Hua hu Ching, and Art of War for

iPad, Phone, Kindle, Nook,

or Android



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know what came before time

pipeline, kevin krautgartner



at but not seen,

listened to but not heard,

grasped for but not held, formless,

soundless, intangible: the tao

resists analysis and defies



Its rising

is not about light,

its setting not a matter of

darkness. Unnameable, unending,

emerging continually, and continually

pouring back into nothingness, it is

formless form, unseeable image,

elusive, evasive unimaginable

mystery. Confront it, and

you won’t see its face.

Follow it and you

can’t find an



Perceive its

ancient subtle heart, however,

and you become master of the moment.

Know what came before time, and

the beginning of wisdom

is yours.


from The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 14


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Hua hu Ching, Wei wu Wei Ching,

Art of War for iPad, Phone,

Kindle, Nook, or




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Tao te Ching as part of a

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you only have to set it down



don’t have to

straighten anything out 

in your mind. You only have

to set it down if it

isn’t good.



enlightenment is

fully present at every moment

of your life. If you perceive something

between you and that, nothing more

need be done other than

to let go of it upon




Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 6

Paperback / Kindle here




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