make room for more light


Our actions

entrench the power of the light

on this planet. Every positive thought we pass

between us makes room for more light. And if we do more

than think, then our actions clear the path for even

more light. That is why forgiveness and

compassion must become more

important principles in

public life…


Anchor the eternity

of love in your own soul and embed

this planet with goodness. Lean toward the whispers

of your own heart, discover the universal truth,

and follow its dictates. Release the need

to hate, to harbor division, and the

enticement of revenge. Release

all bitterness.



Hold only love,

only peace in your heart,

knowing that the battle of good

to overcome evil is already won. Choose

confrontation wisely, but when it is

your time don’t be afraid to stand

up, speak up, and speak out

against injustice.


And if you

follow your truth

down the road to peace

and the affirmation of love,

if you shine like a beacon for all to see,

then the poetry of all the great dreamers and

philosophers is yours to manifest in

a nation, a world community, and

a Beloved Community that is

finally at peace with



that glorious saint John Lewis